The Branches of Darkmeyer
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Dark, feral shapes have been seen stalking the outskirts of Burgh de Rott with terrible, unnatural swiftness, and rumours abound that Vanstrom Klause himself is at large once more. Veliaf and the rest of the Myreque have taken note of these ill signs and fear an imminent attack. Safalaan has been pre-occupied of late and, outnumbered and ill-equipped as they are, the Myreque must turn to you for assistance once again.

To do this, you must enter the baroque streets of Darkmeyer; the vampyre city. With help from an unexpected source, you must infiltrate the upper echelons of vampyric society to locate the last remaining blisterwood tree, which lies heavily guarded in the city’s dark heart and whose branches are the bane of even the most powerful Vyrewatch.

Once you have done so, you’ll be able to create weapons that will end this looming threat before all is lost, and will put the Myreque in a better position to end their war once and for all. You may defeat the foe that lurks in the shadows, and the rewards may be great, including experience tomes, new weapons and an item that teleports its bearer to the Barrows, among other places, but will the end really justify the means?

How to start

Speak to Veliaf in Burgh de Rott.


Legacy of Seergaze
Legends' Quest
76 Woodcutting
70 Fletching
70 Magic
67 Slayer
64 Crafting
63 Agility
63 Farming

Mod Ana

In other news...

The silver sickle (both ordinary and blessed), the Rod of Ivandis and the Ivandis Flail have been improved to make them more effective against vampyres.
You’ll notice new atmospheric sounds as you descend into many of the major dungeon networks, particularly those beneath Edgeville, Lumbridge and Varrock. Listen out for burning torches, flowing water, dripping stalactites and ambient sounds that develop as you delve deeper.
For the first time, we're releasing a walkthrough for today's quest. This will be available the day after the release at the bottom of the quest page.
The list of spells available through the Borrowed Power spell now includes the following: High Alchemy, Bones to Peaches, Teleport to House, Vulnerability, and Magic Dart.

Patch notes for this update: (Click to View)
Epic quest. Epic reward. Best quest to come out of Jagex in a long time.
[Image: evaluate-staff.png] 
Have a question? My PM is always ON.
It's actually awesome to see a quest released that requires a bit of skill to complete. It seems the majority of the quests lately have been low-medium level content, so it's such a relief to finally see some content for more advanced questers. smile

I've completed the whole quest besides the boss fight and was very impressed. I'll attempt the boss fight later when I find a decent method of doing so - seems even some higher levels have had to have a few attempts at the boss.
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"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." - Mark Twain
I hate missing out on the updates, I come back to members completely clueless
liked this quest very much and the boss wasnt much of a challenge for me Beee
loved the exp reward and all the stuff to do with it
10/10 jagex
Excellent! A new quest! And a good one I see. Good
What is the point of being an adult , if you can't be childish sometimes.
--Tom Baker as The Fourth Doctor

urgh a boss fight, think i'll leave that quest for another couple of years :S
I was so hyped when I learned there was gonna be a new Vyre quest.

And guess what, it's my favorite quest in RS <3!

The boss was rather easy in my opinion. You can hit over 800 on him... I hitted something in the 900's too if I remeber right.

The reward is awesome, free 150k rc anyone? Tongue
The weapon (polearm) is awesome too, since near the bank there's a altar and many vyre spawns. It rocks hard on them, I hitted a 727 on them. They also drop lots of runes and some coins. I even got 4 grimy ranarrs and a splitbark body!

100/100 satisfaction, thank you Jagex <3
Main: Princess Emiko Yuki
Alt: Princess Revy Chan

^ I know where I'll be getting my SW cutoff Wink
(2011-09-01 04:32:20)Meg Wrote:  urgh a boss fight, think i'll leave that quest for another couple of years :S

The main rewards from the quest (the teleports, the new city and the anti-vyrewatch weapons) are all unlocked during the quest before the boss fight. The only thing you get afterward is a gargantuan xp bonus.

The new weapons are great. At least the melee/ranged weapons are. The ranged weapons are like darts and seem to hit pretty well, and I saw myself hit 750+ using turmoil/extremes with the melee weapon. I didn't try any magic, but I'm sure it's pretty good too.

I also see that Vyrewatch are listed as slayer assignments given by Chaeldar and all of the the higher slayer masters. Should be a nice assignment, considering the new vyrewatch have drops in addition to the corpse as well as a nearby prayer altar and a bank.
[Image: motm.png]
[Image: 0ddb418f4b.png]

"The only thing an adult can give a child is a yellow cape." - Chuck Jones

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