[Complete] Provisional attempt one [Expires 21st Sept 2011]

I've sent you a PM AFK smile
You're fine on the exp side of things. ^_^
A F K is 58.97% combat based, with 112,953,168 combat based exp, and 191,549,986 total exp.
Good luck! smile
(2011-09-07 07:46:58)AFK Wrote:  It says I do not have permission to reply to your message..I can however log onto RS and talk to you that way if you wish.

It's because Registered users without a rank are not allowed to use the Private Messaging system (this is to stop Runescape bot spam and a lot of other attacks), you may want to chat via IRC or in-game smile
You are no better than anyone else, and no one is better than you.
Provisional Application Accepted
Congratulations! A staff member has approved your application and your two week trial period begins right now! Throughout your trial period, you must attend two events and maintain activity throughout our community to prove yourself as a possible clan member. You may apply to become a clan member within the upcoming two weeks, provided that you meet our requirements to move on.

So, what now?
Firstly you must understand that this does not make you a permanent member of the clan. You are now a trial member - and are given two weeks to prove yourself active enough to remain in Surreal.

You will need to see an Admin (SRL Downfall, SRL Danny, SRL Meg) in game if you wish to be given a rank in our official Clan Chat, you can either add them in game to your friendslist or join our Official Clan Chat in game to speak to one of them.

Click here for more information on the Provisional application process.

Secondly, you now have access to some new forums and sections. These are part of the Members-only area, and this includes, but is not limited to the following: Thanks & Welcome!
The Surreal Staff Team Victory
You are no better than anyone else, and no one is better than you.

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