2012-03-28 16:42:01
I don't want to make this too formal, but I'll be maxing at the start of this weekend. So here's my official invitation to anyone who wants to come to it.
What will be happening:
The plan is to meet up my player-owned house in Yanille where I plan max and then straight after we'll group up at Edgeville and walk to the chaos altar to have a Bronze war in memory of my first clan "The Midnight Warriors" (TMW).
Friend's Chat:
Rules for bronze war:
(Spectators may wear whatever they wish, but may not interrupt people competing)
- Must be in my friends chat.
- No attacking others until I say so.
- Bronze armour must be worn if attacking.
- Bronze weapon must be worn if attacking.
- No Jewelery.
- Any cape is allowed.
- No Soulsplit.
- No Potions.
- No Familiars.
- Food ONLY.
- Must stay relatively close (Within 10 'paces' or 'squares') to the chaos altar.
- No attacking Spectators and common sense manners please (Eg no swearing at others etc)
Last man standing will receive 5m gp.
(I may not have it on the day, but they'll receive it during the following week)
Time & Countdown
Europe | 9PM UK [Mar 30]
North America | 4PM Eastern US Time [Mar 30] | 1PM Pacific US Time [Mar 30]
Australia & Pacific | 7AM New South Wales, Victoria [Mar 31]
=:-:= Live Young, Have Fun And May Tomorrow Never Come =:-:=