[Complete] My App [Expires June 13th]

Runescape stuff
*RS Name: South gal79
*Total level: 2264
*Country or Timezone: CST
IRC Nickname:South gal79

*Full screenshot of your Runescape account saying "S R L <3" in the chatbox [You do not have to press enter!]
[Image: rs1.jpg]

All that cool stuff...
*Your favorite RS activity/skill: Crafting/Defense
*Who or what brought you to Surreal?: I was browsing Runehead on one boring day, looking for a skilling clan that was fit for me. I'm very picky and if I don't feel comfy I carry on but I joined you cc and your IRC chat and kinda felt in place.
*What can you bring to Surreal?: Friendship and knowledge to help others who may need it.

*Name other clans have you involved yourself with [please be as detailed as you can]: Skillers United, I joined them 2 yrs ago became event coord enjoyed it for a few months, then I had to move so I lost internet for lil over a year due to couldn't get it in the sticks LOL anyway went retired came back and it wasn't the same it was more like a popularity contest and i'm not into all that. Before that, I was in a few PKING clans like before they took it all away.

By submitting my application I agree that I have thoroughly read and understood all of Surreal's Official Rules and Requirements. I will follow these rules when associating myself in a situation where I am directly involved with Surreal or representing the clan in any way and will accept relevant punishment should I delve away from these rules.

I agree to stay active unless legitimate reasoning is given, to fulfill the requirements of my Provisional application and that I am in compliance with Surreal's multi-clanning rules, and will continue to be. All of the information I have submitted in this application is my own and I am not in association with any real-world trading or botting communities.

*Do you agree to the above statements? [Yes]

Other comments: HI
[Image: south-gal79.png]
~Life is 10% how make it, 90% how we take it.~
Nice to see you apply Lacey. I know you'll fit right in here at Surreal =) Congrats on Provisional status when a Senior gets online. Wink Wub
[Image: prov-accepted.png]

You made it!
Congratulations to you on making into Surreal as a Provisional Member! We're very happy to have you on board! First and foremost, remember that you are a trial member. Though you will get the benefits of being a full member; it only lasts for two weeks!

To be ranked in the clan chat, you can ask any one of our clan admins, @Bowlinmaster@, @Evaluate@ or @Downfall@ to add you into the clan chat.

+ You're required to attend three events, then make a full member application. [More information]

Weekly events
All of our weekly events are stored in this forum, please check them weekly for ways to gain activity points. New events are released each week on a Saturday or Sunday. Attending all events isn't compulsory, but we'd love it if you could!

[Image: ikiEO.png]

SWC & Sign ups
Every two weeks, we hold a SWC competition which you must sign up for before it happens. SWC is basically a skill week competition, which we choose a skill and compete against each other in.

+ Our SWC tracker
+ Sign ups forum

Our citadel
Right now, you are probably a fresh member on our clan chat, so it will be a week before you can contribute to our Citadel. But when you can, visits to it as well as resource capping is very much appreciated, but not compulsory.

+ Resource Cap Reward Thread
+ Weekly Citadel Report

Further information
If you're looking for further information, please check out our main website here or our information board here.

Spread the word about us!
If you're looking to let everybody know just how great we are, feel free to refer your friends, or do any of the following things:

+ Bump our RSOF Recruitment thread (QFC: 288-289-615-63710786)
+ Mention Surreal on twitter with @ClanSurreal and #RuneScape
+ Reply to any of our recruitment threads!

Good luck with your application, and we're glad you chose Surreal Wub
Is the glass half empty or half full? Neither, the glass is twice as big as it needs to be.
[Image: EW4yt.gif]

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