2010-11-11 19:04:39
Runescape Name: Don Pitufo
Real-life name/nickname: Ruben/Rex
Age: 17
Country: USA
Describe yourself in one word: chill
What got you started playing Runescape?: I started playing runescape when I was in 6th grade, my brother and I went to the library and I saw his friend playing RuneScape and asked him what it was. I started an account then and there (not this one) and at first I didn't like it, in fact I stopped playing for 5 months and then I got on, having forgotten my password to theblackni0, I created this account. Since April 2005, I've been off and on.
Favorite Movie: Fight Club
Occupation: I work as a cashier at a grocery store
Other language(s): Spanish, French
Hobbies/talents: [Edit: not appropriate]
Real-life name/nickname: Ruben/Rex
Age: 17
Country: USA
Describe yourself in one word: chill
What got you started playing Runescape?: I started playing runescape when I was in 6th grade, my brother and I went to the library and I saw his friend playing RuneScape and asked him what it was. I started an account then and there (not this one) and at first I didn't like it, in fact I stopped playing for 5 months and then I got on, having forgotten my password to theblackni0, I created this account. Since April 2005, I've been off and on.
Favorite Movie: Fight Club
Occupation: I work as a cashier at a grocery store
Other language(s): Spanish, French
Hobbies/talents: [Edit: not appropriate]