Click here for an intro
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Hi. smile
I'm not really good with intros so let's just go with the template!!

Runescape Name: Phi L
Real-life name/nickname: Phil (oh my how convenient!)
Age: 18
Country: Argentina (NO I'M NOT THE POPE FFS)
Describe yourself in one word: Noob

What made you start playing runescape: Miniclip back in '04. I still remember the little ad... "Runescape - Be Yourself"
Favorite Movie: I don't really watch movies tbh.
Occupation: I study Economy :o
Other language(s): Spanish, Portuguese, 13375p34k.
Hobbies/talents: On the hobbies part I'd say RS (duh), football and surfing occasionally when I actually have a board available.
Talents? Well I guess you'll have to wait and see...

Hm, it appears the more I type the more creative I get.

Anyway, I decided to register and apply to join because a few friends have been applying recently (Robert B, Dran, Glaco) so I just jumped in. I know this clan is well established and I've known it for quite some time. yeahhhh... come here often? Wink

welcome to the clan, im sure you will enjoy it here.
[Image: ot3fNDv.png]
Here is my reply! Tongue

Great intro ;o Welcome ^.^ They're nice people here.

(and are you sure you're not the pope?!)
[Image: 7WiM6jg.png]
g & a p m p r o f i l e
s t a t s (Click to View)
Welcome to Surreal, Phil! Enjoy your stay and let us know if you have any questions! smile
[Image: evaluate-staff.png] 
Have a question? My PM is always ON.
Hey Phil, welcome to Surreal smile
Welcome to Surreal smile
Hello, Phil. Welcome to SUrreal forums!
[Image: Ninth_Legion.png]
Welcome to Surreal Biggrin
Hi Phil, welcome aboard mate smile
Have a visit of my Farming Goal thread!
[Image: Signature-1.png]

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