Whats the big secret?
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I train everyday all day long, and I never seem to get a lot of EXP. Some people get full 99 amount of exp in just one week, upwards to 8 - 13 mil exp in just one skill, not to mention the 4 - 5 mil in other skills that same week.

So what I want to know, is what is the secret? How do you do that? I once saw on high scores someone get 6 mil in agility just 3 days into the high score week. AGILITY of all skills!

Anyone else ever wonder this? Anyone ever accomplish this?

I think the most i was ever able to get in one day was 700k fishing exp. And that was a long long day. Haha.
Honestly, I have never been able to gain crazy amounts of experience. It's all down to how you play - because I think those who get a lot of XP are using XP boosters or extra-efficient methods of gameplay (maximising XP gain in the time spent playing).

It's all up to you. Don't feel pressured to get that crazy amount of XP, just take the game at your own pace :3
You are no better than anyone else, and no one is better than you.
Haha I don't feel pressured honestly, but that max cape looks good. I enjoy playing the way I do. I think youre right, they maximize on efficiency, and I maximize on profit.
Yep its all about how efficient you can be. I used to check my own xp per hour and always check skill guides. Youtube helps a lot with learning about how others train efficiently. Setting goals - daily, hourly, weekly, whatever really helps. Know that youre likely to burn out if you push TOO hard though. I suggest keeping a G&A here on the forums so we can help push you and acknowledge your accomplishments too smile
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A G&A thread sounds like a great idea to get advice on going for that max cape.

As for the "secret" its pretty much just experience, the more 99's you get, the easier they seem to become.
Also, the xp rates are generally huge because the people are using the highest level methods, which might not be available at lower levels, and if they are, are much less potent.
There are also many boosts that can speed up high level skilling, which most people utilize (skill outfits , avatar, portable skilling locations, book of char, to name a few) and can help push those xp rates a bit further

It is really a game of hours, so the more time you put in the more progress you are going to see, but doing some reading about what you are going to train before doing it speeds things up considerably.
Method really makes a big difference, as for your example of 700k fishing xp in a day, thats actually a fairly nice amount but theres a few ways you could probably push that number higher >smile
Stealing creations is roughly 150k+ fishing bxp per hour played
c2 fishing is decent xp rates and if you are training dungeoneering, you can replace f1-30 with c2 fishing instead of rushing

Also, probably my biggest tip DAILIES ARE OVERPOWERED!!!!
these include:

-Daily challenges (can use vis wax to double)
-Divine locations (can use vis wax to double)
-Book of char
-Big chinchompa at lower hunter levels

and more than have weekly / monthly lockouts such as

-Troll invasion
-Penguins (debateable as to whether its worth doing)
-God Statues
-Capping citidel (personally reccomend doing crafting)

Sorry for the long post X D, theres many high level players in clan who im sure can help you ingame if you want any tips on the skill you are training too.

GL Biggrin
Yea, I guess it all comes down to how much time youre willing to spend : how much fun youre having : how efficient you are doing it : how much money willing to invest : how good you are at the skill and a few other factors.

Im perfectly ok with how my exp gain is. I just always couldnt help but wonder how these guys were doing such high exp gains. I will probably never get that much exp because I really have no desire to, atleast not in such a small amount of time.

Really the one major factor you have that plays all other factors is how much fun you are having. I would not be happy if the game started to feel like a choir / job.

Some of these guys get their joy from the exp gain, the higher it is the better they feel, its like a high i guess. Id much rather make money then get exp.

As for the 700k exp, it wasnt too much exp cause I had played 20 hours that day and I fished rocks the whole time. 350 exp per rock so it really wasnt that great. But i made tons of money off of it so i was happy. I had 99 fishing at that point so i really had no need for the exp.

This post really has me interested in looking into the exp boosts you guys are talking about. I didnt realize there were so many ways to boost exp. I knew there was treasure hunter, and minigames, but man there seems to be alot more.

Oh and Citadel is great for crafting, I agree. I also love FMing in citadel but I have FMing banked.
Auras are really helpful too.
[Image: 7WiM6jg.png]
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I think the main thing that has helped me is limiting the time you are doing no exp gain activities in game. If you have to do something other than rs withdraw an invent of logs and bonfire them while you're afk. Try and spend minimal time banking between slayer tasks etc
[Image: angusmotm.png]
Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny.
I'm bad at skill hopping as I try setting goals but tend to get sidetracked easily (apart from agility where I'm close to 89 mil xp) which is why my stats are all highish xp. When working on my 99s I'd generally pair them into skills that link ie fish & cook.
TERRWYN: Welsh name meaning "brave fair one."

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Skill pets since my return 4th September 2018
19th October - Bernie the Firemaking pet drop 
30th October - Brains the Farming pet drop
8th November - Malcolm the Invention pet drop
16th November - Shamini the Summoning pet drop
The experience rates a player can achieve are highly dependent on that player's level of access, skill level, player efficiency, and wealth. The bonus experience system and daily, weekly, or monthly mini-games can also all be brought together to boost a player's experience rate.

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