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Hello everyone!
Welcome to my Ability bar post! Yahoo In this post I will be showing you some good examples of some bar set ups for a variety of fighting styles! So I hope this helps you with Slaying and bossing! Biggrin

Post 1: Melee!
Post 2: Magic!
Post 3: Range!

(Note: I forgot to put Tuska's wrath on some of my ability bars for some reason, if doing Slayer this is an amazing ability to use. There is a description in the lower thread)

I do use Revolution for all of my bars, which makes life easier rather than mashing your keyboard to use abilities.

We will start with some melee bars and I'll throw in some explanations of what the abilities do. =)

(Take note: You only have to follow the first 9 slots, the other 5 are discretionary) =)


Melee 2H: Good for Slayer or anywhere with multiple enemies!

[Image: 2h%20melee_zpscougcand.png]
  1. Cleave; (Basic) - Deals 188% weapon damage to all targets in a frontal cone.
  2. Dismember (Basic) - Deals 188% weapon damage over 6 seconds. (Bleed effect)
  3. Sever (Basic) - Deals 188% weapon damage. Also reduces the damage recieved by 10% for 5 seconds.
  4. Smash (Basic) - Deals up to 125% of your weapon damage, also disables protection Prayers in PvP.
  5. Slice (Basic) - Deals up to 110% weapon damage.
  6. Fury (Basic) - Strikes your target 3 times. Each strike deals 75% weapon damage and increases 7% every strike.
  7. Hurricane (Threshold) - Deals up to 219% weapon damage to all adjacent targets.
  8. Quake (Threshold) - Deals up to 188% weapon damage to all adjacent targets, also reduces targets defence.
  9. Meteor Strike (Ultimate) - Deals damage equal up to 250-350% weapon damage. Critical strikes generate 10% adrenaline for 30 seconds. Only usable on targets with over 50% life points remaining

Dual wield
[Image: dual%20wield%20Melee_zpsp1jrxiel.png]
  1. Decimate (Basic) - Deals up to 188% weapons damage, or 244% if the target is wielding a shield.
  2. Dismember (Basic) - Deals 188% weapon damage over 6 seconds. (Bleed effect)
  3. Sever (Basic) - Deals 188% weapon damage. Also reduces the damage recieved by 10% for 5 seconds.
  4. Havoc (Basic) - Instantly attack with both weapons up to 125% weapon damage, disabling protection prayers in PvP.
  5. Slice (Basic) - Deals up to 110% weapon damage.
  6. Fury (Basic) - Strikes your target 3 times. Each strike deals 75% weapon damage and increases 7% every strike.
  7. Blood Tendrils (Threshold) - Blood tendrils whip at you and your opponent for 5 seconds. The first hit deals up to 180% weapon damage, with four subsequent hits each dealing up to 90% weapon damage to your target and up to 25% weapon damage to you. (Link here on how to get the Tendril abilities)
  8. Destroy (Threshold) - Deals up to 188% weapon damage 3 times over 3.6 seconds (1.2 seconds per hit). Also stuns the target for 3.6 seconds.
  9. Berserk* (Ultimate) - Increases melee damage dealt by 100% for 20 seconds. Also increases all damage taken by 50%. 
*This one is situational, for some bosses you don't want to Zerk unless you can heal from it, seeing as it does lower your defence by 50% for 20 seconds. Optional to use Frenzy or massacre.

One hand+shield/Defender
[Image: melee%20shield_zpsy4obyyyh.png]

  1. Dismember (Basic) - Deals 188% weapon damage over 6 seconds. (Bleed effect)
  2. Slice (Basic) - Deals up to 110% weapon damage.
  3. Sever (Basic) - Deals 188% weapon damage. Also reduces the damage recieved by 10% for 5 seconds.
  4. Bash (Basic) - Bashes your target with your shield, dealing up to 100% weapon damage and your shields armour value.
  5. Barges your target, breaking free of binds and dealing 125% weapon damage, plus binding your opponent in place for 6.6 seconds.
  6. Fury (Basic) - Strikes your target 3 times. Each strike deals 75% weapon damage and increases 7% every strike.
  7. Assault (Threshold) - Similar to Destroy, dealing damage equal to 219% weapon damage 3 times every 1.2 seconds. (3.6s cap)
  8. Reflect (Threshold) - Reflects 50% of any damage you receive back at the attacker. Lasts 10 seconds.
  9. Overpower (Ultimate) - Deals up to 200-400% weapon damage
z. Resonance (Basic) - The next attack you receive within 6 seconds will heal you instead of harm you. Heals 50% of the incoming damage and an additional 0.5% for every shield level. Certain large Boss attacks will have their damage prevented, but will not heal.

Stay tuned for the next post; Magic!

It's time for our Magic thread! Biggrin

A lot of these are going to stay quite similar, so you won't have to change much. =)
(Note: Remember to add Tuska's wrath if you have to a discretionary slot for Slayer!)
Just going to get straight in to it. Same as above, I will upload photos of the bar and add description. =)


Magic 2H (Staves) My favourite bar. :3
[Image: 2h%20Magic_zpsmbl5qflx.png]
  1. Corruption Blast (Basic) - Applies a damage-over-time effect to the target, dealing 100-300% of the active spell's damage over 6 seconds. This damage will spread to unaffected enemies targeting you.* (Link here on how to get the Corruption Blast ability)
  2. Dragon Breath (Basic) - Deals 188% of active spell damage to all targets in a frontal cone. (Area of effect)
  3. Sonic Wave (Basic) - Deals 157% of active spell damage. Your next attack has a 10% accuracy bonus against the affected target.
  4. Combust (Basic) - Deals 100-188% of active spells damage over 6 seconds.** (Damage over Time)
  5. Chain (Basic) - Hits two other targets nearby your main target for 100% active spell damage each.
  6. Tuska's Wrath (Basic) - Deals 10000% of your Slayer level as damage to your active slayer target with a 120 sec cooldown. If used on a non slayer target the ability will deal 110% weapon damage and will go on a 15 second cooldown. (Link here on how to get Tuska's Wrath)
  7. Wild Magic (Threshold) - Deals between 50%-215% of your active spell's damage.
  8. Asphyxiate (Threshold) - Chokes your opponent over 3.6 seconds dealing up to 188% spell damage for 1.2 seconds. Also stuns your opponent for 3.6 seconds.
  9. Sunshine (Ultimate) - Summons a sunbeam to shine over your location, lasting 30 seconds. During this time, provided you remain within the beam, your magic damage will be increased by 50%. If your target enters the beam, they will be hit for 10%-20% of weapon damage every 2 seconds.*** (Must complete The World Wakes)
Magic dual wield (I don't have any dual wield Mage weapons, hence why they aren't lit up) =P
[Image: dual%20wield%20Magic_zpsjpkp3enx.png]
Same as above, only difference is swapping slot number 3 for >
Concentrated blast (Basic) - Strikes your target 3 times. Each strike deals 75% weapon damage and increases 7% every strike.

Magic one handed with shield/ward
[Image: magic%20with%20shield_zpsahxldft7.png]
  1. Corruption Blast (Basic) - Corruption Blast (Basic) - Applies a damage-over-time effect to the target, dealing 100-300% of the active spell's damage over 6 seconds. This damage will spread to unaffected enemies targeting you.* (Link here on how to get the Corruption Blast ability)
  2. Dragon Breath (Basic) - Dragon Breath (Basic) - Deals 188% of active spell damage to all targets in a frontal cone. (Area of effect)
  3. Chain (Basic) - Hits two other targets nearby your main target for 100% active spell damage each.
  4. Combust (Basic) - Deals 100-188% of active spells damage over 6 seconds.** (Damage over Time)
  5. Bash (Basic) - Bashes your target with your shield, dealing up to 100% weapon damage and your shields armour value.
  6. Reflect (Threshold) - Reflects 50% of any damage you receive back at the attacker. Lasts 10 seconds.
  7. Wild Magic (Threshold) - Deals between 50%-215% of your active spell's damage.
  8. Asphyxiate (Threshold) - Chokes your opponent over 3.6 seconds dealing up to 188% spell damage for 1.2 seconds. Also stuns your opponent for 3.6 seconds.
  9. Sunshine (Ultimate) - Summons a sunbeam to shine over your location, lasting 30 seconds. During this time, provided you remain within the beam, your magic damage will be increased by 50%. If your target enters the beam, they will be hit for 10%-20% of weapon damage every 2 seconds.*** (Must complete The World Wakes)
z. Resonance (Basic) - The next attack you receive within 6 seconds will heal you instead of harm you. Heals 50% of the incoming damage and an additional 0.5% for every shield level. Certain large Boss attacks will have their damage prevented, but will not heal.

*You can swap out Corruption Blast for another basic ability, like Wrath. However if you can afford it, I strongly recommend getting this ability. It's amazing!

**Pro Tip: If you walk under an enemy after Combust has activated, it will deal double damage!

***Feel free to swap out Sunshine for either Metamorphosis: Your spells are free to cast and your magic damage is increased by 62.5% (31.25% in PvP). Lasts 15 seconds.

Or Omnipower: Bombard your target with each of the 4 elements, dealing damage equal to 200-400% of your active spell's damage.

Next thread; Ranged!

Lastly and certainly not least. I give you.... Ranged! Biggrin

Ranged 2H
[Image: ranged%202h_zpslutx3xro.png]

  1. Corruption Shot (Basic) - Applies a damage-over-time effect to the target, dealing 100-300% weapon damage over 6 seconds. This damage will spread to unaffected enemies targeting you.* (Damage over Time)
  2. Fragmentation shot (Basic) - Deals damage equal to 100%-188% weapon damage over 6 seconds.** (Damage over Time)
  3. Dazing shot (Basic) - Deals 157% weapon damage. Target suffers a 10% decrease to accuracy on their next attack. 
  4. Binding shot (Basic) - Stuns your target for 1.2 seconds and binds them in place for up to 10 seconds and dealing 100% weapon damage.
  5. Tuska's wrath (Basic) - Deals 10000% of your Slayer level as damage to your active slayer target with a 120 sec cooldown. If used on a non slayer target the ability will deal 110% weapon damage and will go on a 15 second cooldown. (Link here on how to get Tuska's Wrath)
  6. Snipe (Basic) - Deals 125%-219% weapon damage after 1.8 seconds, disabling protection prayers in PvP. Combo attack. 
  7. Snap shot (Threshold) - Deals 100-120% weapon damage on your first shot and 100-210% weapon damage on your second shot.
  8. Rapid Fire (Threshold) - Deals damage equal to 94% of weapon damage every 0.6 seconds for 4.2 seconds, initially binding the target for 6 seconds.
  9. Death's Swiftness (Ultimate) - Create a shroud of death at your location for 30 seconds. While you remain within the shroud, your ranged damage will be increased by 50%. If your target stands within the shroud, they will be hit for 10% to 20% of weapon damage every 2 seconds.*** (Must complete The World Wakes)
Z. Shadow Tendrils (Threshold) - Deals 33-250% weapon damage. They then strike your opponent once for 66-500% weapon damage. (Link here on how to get the Tendril abilities)

Ranged Dual wield!
[Image: ranged%20dual%20wield_zpsegsjc67e.png]
This bar is pretty much the same, just a few abilities have been moved. Only new ability is>
Needle Strike (Basic) - Target takes 157% weapon damage. Your next attack against the target has a flat 5% increase to damage dealt.

Ranged one handed with shield
[Image: ranged%20with%20shield_zps8diedafa.png]
Again, nothing has really changed. Just Ricochet on slot 4, (Basic) - Fires a shot which ricochets off your target, hitting 2 additional nearby targets for 100% weapon damage each. Reflect (X) and Resonance ©.

*You can swap out Corruption shot for another basic ability, like Piercing shot. However if you can afford it, I strongly recommend getting this ability. It's amazing!

**Pro Tip: If you walk under an enemy after Fragmentation shot has activated, it will deal double damage!

***Feel free to swap out Death's Swiftness for either >
Deadshot (All ranged styles, ultimate) - Deals 188% weapon damage instantly, and a further 313% weapon damage over 6 seconds.

Incendiary shot (2H Ultimate) - Fire an explosive shot at your target, which will detonate after 3 seconds dealing damage equal to 250-350% weapon damage. Critical strikes generate 10% adrenaline for 30 seconds. 

Or Unload (Dual wield ultimate) - Every 1.2 seconds dealing 80-180% of weapon damage. Each subsequent hit gains an additional 10% damage to both minimum and maximum hit. If your target moves they will take no damage.

And that is it for this small guide! I hope this has helped people in their adventures across Gielinor!

If you have any questions, give me a yell or post on here. I'll try and help out best I can.

Take care, Clannies! <3
I like this! Can't wait to see the ranged ones.
Thanks Scott! Biggrin
Awesome, Matt! Biggrin
[Image: 2015-11-motm.png]
Nice one, though I believe for pure DPS purposes there are better bars.
Very good for revolution though.
I am so lazy when it comes to making bars.. so thank you for this!!
[Image: pmRHyWO.png]
[Image: user1-dark.png][Image: user1-dark.png]
Feel free to contact me any time about anything Biggrin <3 
This is really useful information, especially since I'm coming back after more than a year of new game content. Thanks for taking the time to make this! I'm definitely going to look into purchasing a codex when they drop in price and will make my way towards getting the tuska ability. One question I have is, with all the options for melee abilities, how did you go abouts choosing which ones to leave out?
Such a helpful thread, thanks Matt!
Bump for the new guys. smile
Thanks, TheMrSpyro. I only have magic gear at the moment, however, I've been looking for a range bar for warbands, so I'll definitely be using your one.

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