Krikzay's Introduction
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Runescape Name: Krikzay
Real-life name/nickname: Kristi
Age: 21
Country: United States
Describe yourself in one word: fabulous Wink

What made you start playing runescape: my friends
Favorite Movie: Maleficient
Occupation: Cashier
Other language(s): English
Hobbies/talents: to be a Pokemon Master
Hey Kristi! Welcome to Surreal smile I'm so glad you stumbled upon us and decided you wanted to be a part of the Surreal family! Fun fact: We have a Chrissy and Krystal in the clan. So you fit right in with your name Tongue Also, some of us play Pokemon Go (I don't know if you do too, but thought I'd mention it!)

If you ever have any questions just ask us smile I hope you're with us for many years to come!
[Image: GpJL.png]

[Image: GVO3.png]
to be a pokemon master huh? another aspiring trainer.. ^_^ hai there o/
Welcome to Surreal Yahoo
[Image: UvXSfs2.png]
[Image: kCsmlGL.jpg][Image: user1-dark.png]
Take a look at my awesome G&A-thread here!
Annual Surreal Awards 2016 (Click to View)
Welcome to Surreal!!
Welcome to Surreal, hope you have a nice time here smile
You are no better than anyone else, and no one is better than you.
welcome to Surreal <3
Welcome to Surreal!

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