2014-01-07 00:19:24
Runescape Name: iDeividas
Real-life name/nickname: Deividas
Age: 16
Country: Lithuania
Describe yourself in one word: Boss
What made you start playing runescape: Friend
Favorite Movie: Pearl harbor, men of honour, john q, the green mile, the shawshank redemption all of them were brilliant
Occupation: Nothing yet, studying still
Other language(s): Lithuanian, English
Hobbies/talents: Football
Real-life name/nickname: Deividas
Age: 16
Country: Lithuania
Describe yourself in one word: Boss
What made you start playing runescape: Friend
Favorite Movie: Pearl harbor, men of honour, john q, the green mile, the shawshank redemption all of them were brilliant

Occupation: Nothing yet, studying still
Other language(s): Lithuanian, English
Hobbies/talents: Football