Powg, introduction
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Runescape Name: Powg
Real-life name/nickname: Einar
Age: 30
Country: Norway
Describe yourself in one word: Empathic

What made you start playing runescape: Uhm, quest for glory and wealth. No wait, its just to relax and have some fun. Something to past time when Im bored after work, when kid is sleeping etc smile
Favorite Movie: I dont really know.. I enjoyed the new zombie movie where they become human again, where the one falls in love with a human... I like all sorts of movies, tho a bit tired of romantic comedies. 
Occupation: Manage Oracle(fmw) servers in the largest company in Norway
Other language(s): English, Quenia (I wish, or want to learn)
Hobbies/talents: I like to read books, and play games... Sometimes I program some in php, python and design some websites or stuff like that. All my computers are linux . Training = Boxing, such a great way to let it all out (on some poor schmuck...)  Yahoo
Velkommen til Surreal Yahoo

And IT rules Umnik2  King2
[Image: UvXSfs2.png]
[Image: kCsmlGL.jpg][Image: user1-dark.png]
Take a look at my awesome G&A-thread here!
Annual Surreal Awards 2016 (Click to View)
Woooo! Happy camper! Biggrin
Bjorn: This one's miiiiine!!! Also, the movie: Warm bodies ^^

Jaggu på tide med en skandinav (og nordmann attpåtil)! Yahoo
I hvilken landsdel befinner du deg? Regner med du ikke er vestlending, siden du skrev på bokmål?
[Image: 2015-11-motm.png]
(2016-11-09 15:42:34)Linda Wrote:  Woooo! Happy camper! Biggrin
Bjorn: This one's miiiiine!!! Also, the movie: Warm bodies ^^

Jaggu på tide med en skandinav (og nordmann attpåtil)! Yahoo
I hvilken landsdel befinner du deg? Regner med du ikke er vestlending, siden du skrev på bokmål?

Thanks Linda, couldn't remember to title of the movie anymore but I know it now  Tongue
And it really was time for another Scandinavian here (especially a Norwegian one)  Yahoo
[Image: UvXSfs2.png]
[Image: kCsmlGL.jpg][Image: user1-dark.png]
Take a look at my awesome G&A-thread here!
Annual Surreal Awards 2016 (Click to View)
Welcome Welcome  Yahoo Yahoo Yahoo 

It's nice be one of our Family  Give_heart Give_heart Give_heart

Lets Rock n Roll  Paladin
Hey Einar! Welcome to Surreal Biggrin I'll try my best to remember your name lol (@Linda I knew you would be over the moon happy that I found someone from Norway Wink). I'm happy to have you with us!! Biggrin

If you ever have any questions just let us know, anytime! I hope you're with us for many years to come! Biggrin
[Image: GpJL.png]

[Image: GVO3.png]
(2016-11-09 16:06:37)ChangingLane Wrote:  
(2016-11-09 15:42:34)Linda Wrote:  Woooo! Happy camper! Biggrin
Bjorn: This one's miiiiine!!! Also, the movie: Warm bodies ^^

Jaggu på tide med en skandinav (og nordmann attpåtil)! Yahoo
I hvilken landsdel befinner du deg? Regner med du ikke er vestlending, siden du skrev på bokmål?

Thanks Linda, couldn't remember to title of the movie anymore but I know it now  Tongue
And it really was time for another Scandinavian here (especially a Norwegian one)  Yahoo

[Image: 2015-11-motm.png]

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