Murpheous Introduction
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nice to met you all!
im murpheous (or murph). 
i played back 2006-2014 but stoped due to edcation and working full time.
quite recently i've gained more free time so i decided to start up again!

here is some details about me 



Describe yourself in one word: 

What made you start playing runescape: 
The fantasy aspects  and the lore

Favorite Movie:
 lord of the rings

 IT  help desk help-desk operator

reading - currently reading "dragon keeper" by  robin hobb
gaming - cant for dishonored two to be released

if you wish to know anything else, just ask i wont bite smile

Greetings Murpheous!

I've been playing RuneScape on/off since 2001, depending on if my job and/or schooling permitted at the time! I completely understand the breaks! It can really throw you off sometimes when Jagex changes a lot while you're gone though. smile Welcome to the clan!
Hey Murph! Welcome to Surreal! I'm so happy to see that you decided to become a Surrealian! (I had a big smile on my face this morning when I came on the forums to discover your application Tongue). I know @lylietheelf loves LOTR Biggrin

If you ever have any questions never hesitate to ask! Due to your timezone, please try to continuously guest in Surreal's clan chat whenever you're on. Only key ranks can invite. I might have to adjust that temporarily, not sure. I'll prod @Downfall into going on RS and keeping an eye out for you. He's Aussie. I hope you're with us for many years to come! Biggrin
[Image: GpJL.png]

[Image: GVO3.png]
Hey Murph! Welcome to the clan!
Origami seems like a fun skill to have. Right now I'm living in Japan so there's an abundance of origami paper for cheap! *)

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