2016-11-22 01:13:45
Runescape Name: Oskime
Real-life name/nickname:Oskar
Country: Sweden
Describe yourself in one word: Optimistic
What made you start playing runescape: My big brother introduced me when I was young
Favorite Movie: The Last Samurai
Occupation: Seasonal work at a skiresort in Sweden
Other language(s): Swedish, English, German, Frensh(Little)
Hobbies/talents: I'm a decent piano player, I'm quite good at video games that requires fast refelxes, I enjoy snowboarding during the Winter a lot, hence the choice of work.
I decided to take the introduction template and just roll with that 'cus I've never been good at introducing myself like this and to be honest I think it's because I never liked it that much but it should give you a rough idea what kind of person I am. The rest you got to find out by talking to me.
I also just noticed the smilies, so here are my favourites.
Real-life name/nickname:Oskar
Country: Sweden
Describe yourself in one word: Optimistic

What made you start playing runescape: My big brother introduced me when I was young
Favorite Movie: The Last Samurai
Occupation: Seasonal work at a skiresort in Sweden
Other language(s): Swedish, English, German, Frensh(Little)
Hobbies/talents: I'm a decent piano player, I'm quite good at video games that requires fast refelxes, I enjoy snowboarding during the Winter a lot, hence the choice of work.

I decided to take the introduction template and just roll with that 'cus I've never been good at introducing myself like this and to be honest I think it's because I never liked it that much but it should give you a rough idea what kind of person I am. The rest you got to find out by talking to me.

I also just noticed the smilies, so here are my favourites.