Male's introduction
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Runescape Name: Male
Real-life name/nicknameBiggrinavid
Age: 22
Country: Canada
Describe yourself in one word: Productive

What made you start playing runescape: I saw my friends play it at school so I jumped on the bandwagon
Favorite Movie: Don't have any as long as they're funny
Occupation: Industrial Electrician
Other language(s): My main language is french
Hobbies/talents: Quad racing/everything related to mechanics
Yahoo Welcome....glad to have you aboard.
[Image: 9pJejd6.png]                                [Image: RaJoT7W.png]
What timezone in CANADA I'm from BC haha so I'm PST :-)
[Image: giphy.gif]

So glad you decided to join! It's been awesome talking and I look forward to getting to know you!
[Image: SYRulGm.png]

2016 Surreal Awards
Well hello there! Welcome to Surreal! I have noooo idea what Lylie means when she says we're the nerd zone...Ok maybe I do. Anyway, looking forward to chatting with you!
Don't send me into a library without supervision unless you're prepared to file a missing persons report.
(2017-03-28 23:15:31)lylietheelf Wrote:  [Image: giphy.gif]

So glad you decided to join! It's been awesome talking and I look forward to getting to know you!

You'll never replace me lylie!!!

but to add to your gif

[Image: giphy.gif]
Okay guys. MALE. Awesome user, haha.

Anyway, fellow Canadian, whats up!

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