2017-03-28 22:57:00
Runescape Name: Male
Real-life name/nickname
Age: 22
Country: Canada
Describe yourself in one word: Productive
What made you start playing runescape: I saw my friends play it at school so I jumped on the bandwagon
Favorite Movie: Don't have any as long as they're funny
Occupation: Industrial Electrician
Other language(s): My main language is french
Hobbies/talents: Quad racing/everything related to mechanics
Real-life name/nickname

Age: 22
Country: Canada
Describe yourself in one word: Productive
What made you start playing runescape: I saw my friends play it at school so I jumped on the bandwagon
Favorite Movie: Don't have any as long as they're funny
Occupation: Industrial Electrician
Other language(s): My main language is french
Hobbies/talents: Quad racing/everything related to mechanics