2017-04-29 22:16:24
Hi All!,
My name is Jolanda or mrs queen in game. I just turned 25 and I live in the Netherlands, Amsterdam. I play Runescape for almost 12 years on and off now. The last years I played more seriously to gain some levels in combat, but now a days I play more for fun because I work a lot. My most favorite skill (besides combat) is dungeoneering and my least favorite skills are farming and divination. I am always in to do some dung floors or attend some other activities. I enjoy the game the most to skill together
. Also I like to boss and I saving up to buy some good gear so I can attend some more difficult bosses. Now I Like to join the godwars bosses.
How do I describe myself in one word? Can I use two? Positive (and) nice. Tread people how you like to be treated
So thank you for reading and we will meet in the clanchat or the discord channel (what I will join but not too much because I have almost music on)!
xx Jolanda
My name is Jolanda or mrs queen in game. I just turned 25 and I live in the Netherlands, Amsterdam. I play Runescape for almost 12 years on and off now. The last years I played more seriously to gain some levels in combat, but now a days I play more for fun because I work a lot. My most favorite skill (besides combat) is dungeoneering and my least favorite skills are farming and divination. I am always in to do some dung floors or attend some other activities. I enjoy the game the most to skill together

How do I describe myself in one word? Can I use two? Positive (and) nice. Tread people how you like to be treated

So thank you for reading and we will meet in the clanchat or the discord channel (what I will join but not too much because I have almost music on)!
xx Jolanda