2017-07-11 22:07:17
Runescape Name: GravenSquid
Real-life name/nickname: Lauren
Age: 20
Country: United States
Describe yourself in one word: Dysfunctional
What made you start playing runescape: A friend of mine showed me Runescape, and I was hooked from the moment I started playing. I like that there is always something different to do.
Favorite Movie: The Nightmare Before Christmas
Occupation: Associate Trainer at a bakery/cafe
Other language(s): I know little bits of Spanish
Hobbies/talents: I'm a guitarist of 11 years, I write poetry and music. I build computers for friends as sort of a hobby to build IT knowledge. Otherwise you can find me on here
Real-life name/nickname: Lauren
Age: 20
Country: United States
Describe yourself in one word: Dysfunctional
What made you start playing runescape: A friend of mine showed me Runescape, and I was hooked from the moment I started playing. I like that there is always something different to do.
Favorite Movie: The Nightmare Before Christmas
Occupation: Associate Trainer at a bakery/cafe
Other language(s): I know little bits of Spanish
Hobbies/talents: I'm a guitarist of 11 years, I write poetry and music. I build computers for friends as sort of a hobby to build IT knowledge. Otherwise you can find me on here