Another introduction because I'm back~
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Long read, I think. Sorry! If you don't like long introductions, skip all the way down to TL; DR in BOLD

Sorry for being so inactive, I've had stuff going on for a long while-- TRUTH!!
But, I'm hoping to actually be back this time!~ No, I KNOW I'll be back this time! Runescape pops up inside my head every other day, every month!
And when I do think about it, I think about Surreal! This is definitely home and such an amazing and supportive family~ I'd be really happy to be a part of this amazing group again, I really am lucky to have met some amazing people from here and wish to retain our friendship/be friends again, and do things together!

But hey! My name is Addison for those who don't remember and for those I've never met before, I'm making another introduction because it's been awhile and I'm sure the population for Surreal have increased while I was gone~
While I was gone, I do keep in contact with someone here in Surreal and you know who you are~

I used to be such a heavy gamer xD Play games all the time!
But these days, all I want to do is relax. I'm not competitive or hardcore or anything like that anymore.
Well, I've never really been competitive in the first place, but it IS fun every once in awhile, YES!? Like with PvP, or FPS Games, things like that.
And what I mean by hardcore is like FFXIV, when I played that a long time ago, I'd put in like 8+ hours in that game everyday nonstop. PHEWWWWWIE!
Buuuuut, now these days... all I ever want to do is just to come back home from work/or whatever I'm doing.. and just RELAX, take it easy, and clear my mind out of life!!!
And I believe that Runescape is such a relaxing game and I don't need to rush or anything like that.

In the past though, when I did come back to Runescape...
I came back to Surreal and LEFT just like that, in a heartbeat (And I apologize for that), because of my very hard rock shell I am inside and don't do well with socializing and being in groups xD I am such an introvert with no friends really! (Except for that one person here in Surreal I still keep in contact with and really get along with, you know you are! Again!)
But, I want to try and change all that and hopefully break out of my shell this time because you all, Family of Surreal, are really amazing!

And I saw recent posts about how Jordy is working so hard on Surreal!!!
Those were some really EXCITING posts and I bow my head to you, Sir Jordy, for doing an amazing job and something I cannot wait to be a part of as a member in Surreal <3 I hope you see this post Jordy because I want you to know that I admire your work and LOVE for Surreal <3
I want to love Surreal and make friendships too while I kick my Runescape Account's butt and max skilling and do so much stuff for my character and with you guys!

Because really, I don't really play any games so much anymore.
I'd love to make Runescape my #1 top priority game to play. But there's a close second! I'm also playing a nice Pokemon MMORPG as well.
And I have a huge love for Pokemon so it's going to be Runescape/Pokemon I'll be playing, just 2 games!
(And whatever other game nights Surreal is thinking of <3)

One more thing I wish to add,
If I don't come to any of your awesome events, it's probably because your events are during the nighttime and I'm usually pulled into work at night!
But no worries! I'm trying to find a job that would give me morning shifts so I can have my evenings off, especially with you guys!!

I actually don't know what to put down here after typing so much =)
But let's just say that, I'm really excited to play Runescape again and really DO want to be a part of Surreal with everybody, again.
I pretty much don't play games at all but would love to play Runescape and make this my #1 game, along with a Pokemon MMORPG I picked up as well I totally don't play that anymore=)
Welcome back Addison! It's always neat to see some energy injected into the clan Biggrin I'm sure you'll enjoy your stay~
"Get going, Simon. Just don't be distracted by the what-ifs, should-haves, and if-onlies.
The one path you choose yourself, that is the truth of your universe."
[Image: rex_advenes_p1.png]
YEAH ADDI!!!!!! I've said it before but I'll say it again, I'm so excited that you're making a return! "But, I'm hoping to actually be back this time!~ No, I KNOW I'll be back this time!" <---- I'm holding you to that, mister! Tongue Oh, and about events, we have them at various times! Biggrin

AHHHHHH I'm doing the happy dance over and over! Yahoo
[Image: GpJL.png]

[Image: GVO3.png]
Addi! Wonderful to see you back mate. I read your post and wanna thank you for not only returning but for your nice comments about the clan. It's posts like this that motivate me to better our content every day, and I think I not only speak on behalf of myself, but the rest of the team too.

Looking forward to seeing you around mate!
You are no better than anyone else, and no one is better than you.
Addi....glad your back!! Missed that excitement and energy!Good
[Image: 9pJejd6.png]                                [Image: RaJoT7W.png]
Nice to meet you. Welcome back!
Hey Addi, glad to have you back! I think I saw you in-game yesterday evening aswell. smile
Good to see you again, Addi! Welcome back to the crazy fam!
Don't send me into a library without supervision unless you're prepared to file a missing persons report.
Welcome back! I look forward to getting to know a fellow returning surreal member smile
[Image: a14l.jpg]
Thank you everyone so much for your replies.
I really love Surreal a lot <3
I really cannot wait to be a part of Surreal again and make friends along the way and enjoy my time here in Runescape <3
I love you all!
Be warned though, just like Dark said, I have a lot of excitement and positive energy! Haha!
I'm really super friendly and sweet and maybe way to caring and respectful for others for my own good =)

(2018-04-23 08:22:30)1st Princess Wrote:  Hey Addi, glad to have you back! I think I saw you in-game yesterday evening aswell. smile

Yes, Princess! We chatted for a little bit in-game yesterday! smile
I'm looking forward to getting to know you/being friends and having a good time in Runescape with you and everyone else! =)

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