Modern Day RuneScape
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Stumbled upon this video, and thought it was rather interesting.

Just what exactly has the game that we all previously loved so dearly turned into?

I'd suggest you watch the video first, and then read this comment below (Taken from the comment section below the video).

Quote:Made this video in regards to MMG and Andrew's announcement that RuneScape has been nominated for a golden joystick award (Best Free MMO).

What good deal are they talking about? F2P is unplayable due to the rampant bot epidemic and ad-bot spam. I'm not F2P but I have a lot of friends who are and I can completely sympathize with how disappointed they are with Jagex. Especially the way they as a company have treated F2Pers.

I won't be voting for Jagex this year (voted for LoL) simply because they don't deserve it. I'm going to put my foot down and hope that by loosing the award, they realize that a lot of players are actually unhappy and perhaps start to try and append these problems.

I'm not going to tell you what to vote (unlike Jagex who is asking you to vote for them), but please understand what your vote means.

There are a lot of issues between Jagex and its player base and I really worry that MMG and Andrew don't understand how problematic it really is. I fear if they win this award it will just feed their egos and that's the last thing I want to see happening.

When Jagex starts treating their players with the respect they deserve and treat us like actual players (instead of stats on some chart) I will gladly vote for them. Unfortunately they aren't doing either at this moment and that is why I have voted for some other (more deserving) game.

RuneScape is a great game. It's just disappointing to see it falling to pieces due to the ever growing bot epidemic and marketing ploys. Sad


Hey guys,

Just wanted to thank you all for the overwhelming amount of support you have given to me. I also want to clear the air and say that I was demodded for basically discouraging people not to vote for RuneScape for the Golden Joystick awards with this video (I would argue otherwise but the decision is final). I stood up for the community because I was honestly disgusted that they expect to win this award after how badly F2P has been treated. I have no regrets and I'd do it all over again if I could. While I might have lost two crowns, I gained something back I lost a long time ago - my voice. It's worth more than 2 measly crowns that have lost their meaning due to some changes within Jagex.

On a final note I want to reiterate that this isn't about me or what I lost, it was and always will be about the players first and foremost - don't loose sight of that.

All the best,


It's actually great to see this guy standing up for the game that he believes in, and it really goes to show the immaturity of the Jagex Staff for taking away his Forum and In-game Player Moderator status simply because he took the courage to re-highlight this issue to the player population.

In my eyes, Jagex are just edging the nail deeper and deeper into the coffin.
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"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." - Mark Twain
Mod Mat K mentioned this in his might jsut be there way of covering up...

But yeah, I fully support what this player is saying, whatever the circumstances of his demodship are. smile
[Image: 7gfS0.png]
[Image: W_aldo.png]

"If everybody helps his neighbour then who needs help?"

Member of the Year - Member of the Month - TOTM Winner - Fight for Surreal's Top Skiller

This video is surprisingly depressing. Because all of it is a reality... I read through Micah's link and not much was said other than the reason that Jagex essentially are operating the way they are is because of economical downturn. I can see this as being an important factor seeing as they've vastly expanded recently. Though the only solution I can see to this is to bring back the trade limit - I'm still sticking to my decision that free trade was not the right way to go.
You are no better than anyone else, and no one is better than you.
Someone talk about this video yesterday. In my case, the video showed me nothing, I saw the F2P not long ago while trying to get my girlfriend to play with me.

F2P is dead imo... How can you play? You NEED to have public off, but then no one can talk to you other than friends. And if you still can manage to ignore every spam bots, there's so much bots that you can't do anything with efficency.

About the jMod post, well... Nothing new there also. I think he said nothing interesting like facts or whatever.
Main: Princess Emiko Yuki
Alt: Princess Revy Chan

I had no idea f2p was that bad. Ridiculous really. I was all for the return of the wild and free trade, but if its this bad, I wouldnt mind getting rid of free trade. Tbh, i havent really used it except in staking a bit. Not being able to trade friends mass amounts of money is worth it to get rid of bots

But it seems Jagex has a plan, as they always do.
[Image: zephyr.png][Image: L_Zephyr_l.png]
[Image: R4vciL12942791852-9.gif]
LOL has my vote as well.

Makes me sad to see rs turn out like this but I'm not upset really.

Edit: The owner of this video was a mod in game and on forums. After Jagex saw this video they took his mod statues away. T_T sad face. WTF JAGEX lol.

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[Image: guitar_girl_by_nmayfair-d3ailti.png]
Gift; Nik
Wow this video was a real eye opener. I really hate to say it since i did vote to bring it back, i think them bringing the wild/free trade back was the worst thing ever. I enjoying playing so much more with out it all.
[Image: KittehPryde.png]
RSN: KittehPryde - Ironman RSN: FallOutPiXeY
[Image: zocnja.jpg]
[Image: 33cyesl.jpg] [Image: 2445z76.jpg]
everything happens for a reason.
live today, like tomorrow is your last.
it's better to be hated for who you are, than to be loved for who you are not.
i agree with pixey i wish we didnt have the free trade back

although i like the wilderness as it is now
(2011-09-15 08:01:49)Meg Wrote:  dw guys, one day my true intelligence will shine for the world to see and I will bask in full glory of the beautiful smart woman I truly am....until i wake up Biggrin

[Image: bkhaO.png]
I like the music
I've seen that vid a few days ago, right after release. Good to show everyone. Makes me sad. Deeply sad. I remember my first days in RSC, great, nothing compared to this f2p crap thing.
[Image: unled1bqq.png]

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