Your Runescape Origin
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So since Runescape has been out for a good 9 years or so and this clan is fairly new I would like to get to know how long you guys have been around for.

I started playing early 2004 because two of my friends played. I didn't enjoy the graphics so I stopped. A couple of months later my other friend said he played and so around October 2004 I made Thakon. After getting used to the game I wanted a different name so I made Split 69 around December 2004.
I've been playing since with breaks as long as 8 months but for some reason I've always came back. I guess I do enjoy this game a lot. My friend that got me into the game does not play anymore, neither does any of my RL friends that did. His name was Sand_man6666 btw.

Post your RS origin, who got you into it and when.
It all began in 2006, which not many people can believe due to how low my skills are, when some of my school friends told me about this game called "RuneScape" which doesn't require a download (Knight Online was big for us) and was hugely addictive, so I decided to check it out. I got hooked onto it as soon as I came out the tutorial and started killing cows. We created our accounts with some tag as a prefix (forgotten what it was) and these were later scrapped for real accounts - mine being magicrick123.

Ryan200790 got most of us into the game, along with Cottage0, Skater Coops and a few others. Playing solid for about a year we all began to quit (due to exams and real life) and eventually I stopped playing in mid 2007. Had a huge break, went back to it in 2007 vaguely to try and cover it with my clan (we covered Unreal Tournament, World of Warcraft and Counter Strike) but I quit after a few days. Only a few weeks ago have I really come back into the game after all this time to really build my character and pick up where I left off.
Kind regards,
Richard Edmonds

[Image: RichEdmonds.png][Image: RichEdmonds.png]
Somewhere around March '05 I was in last year of primairy school, 2 friends were playing for some weeks and told me to start playing, so I did Biggrin Week later about the whole class was playing. I'm probably the only one still playing though
Since i've always been into Gaming and stuff...I was playing World Of Warcraft at the time with alot of my High School / IRL friends. One day my friend showed me Runescape and i liked it alot since it wasnt like WoW at all...not very repetitive.

Anyways..i got playing Runescape and my username Tink22 came from trying to relate to WoW. I wanted Twink, which is basically a overpowered class for a certain level in WoW, sadly it didnt work and i got this given instead and i just took it.

It's lame and babyish but i dont care lmao, You can only see my Display Name now soo Woooo!

So yeah, that's where i got my Original RS Name from smile

I started playing a few days after my I saw my brother playing in early 2004. He learned about it from a few friends at school and I watched him one day on our brand new computer, which was our first computer actually lol. I made my account Ggoldenbug, I wanted Goldenbug but it wasn't available at the time so I just added another G and ran with it. My brother and I competed a lot on RS in the beginning, he was usually beating me haha.

Eventually he quit playing though, he plays mostly Xbox games now and some Wow but hardly touches his RS account Keith762. I got one of my best friends playing about this time and helped him out for awhile but than he even started to pass me up in levels, his account is Ram_Dude0. Eventually he quit also but he occasionally logs in sometimes and gains 1-2 levels just to leave for another 5 months lol.

I have had some pretty large breaks, primarily when I deployed to Iraq for the Army for 14 months and whenever I did extended training because I had limited access to any computers and when I did have access RS was on the very bottom of my concerns when I could talk to my wife on msm lol

Now that I got out of the Army I have started playing a bit more and that's about it, I try to get my brother to start playing again sometimes but he just isn't into it anymore. I got my wife to start playing though and she's come pretty far with her account His_Bug.
[Image: Vf5Ok.png]
[Image: k00kmf.png]
I first ever attempted RS sometime in 2005, i had the rsn Meghann78 but I only lasted an hour then Ihad to give up work in Aug 2007 due to my inability to work after my sons diagnosis which consisted of 3 weekly sessions of therapy and daycare werent equipt to care for him and constantly ringing to come pick him up, I had a fair amount of time on my hands when the kids went to bed so a friend suggested I try give RS a go again, I created a new account as couldn't remember the login details of my original one and I never stopped smile
My mate did and he use to get super angry at me cause i couldnt say it right, i called it "rumescape" so he told me to type in on google "Run Escape" so i did and then i created an account, he quit, gave me 30m. got hacked, and got this account back 2 years ago <3

I started when I was 15 (7 years ago).

My friend introduced me and helped me out when I first started, and told me how and where to train and what to do etc.

About 2 years after I started he quit and went on to other things, although we still keep in touch and I tell him how much the game has changed (he wasn't around when RS2 came out, he had already left).

I left for a few months when I became 18, and when I came back my account password had been changed!

So then I made a new account just before RS2 came out (approx. 6 months before release), and refused to switch over to the new version and persisted with Classic. After a while I just stopped because there was no fun in Classic anymore, it was simply like a Ghost-world.

So I left again for around a year then came back, made a new account, and this is the one I use now...I'd say I have been using this account for around 3 years now =)

I still remember when RS2 was released...your bank items were automatically transferred across to the new game, and if you didn't like it you could switch them back to your Classic bank using an option in Account Management smile (Although once this was done it was irreversible so you had to stick with Classic or basically start afresh in RS2 with only your levels in tact).

Your levels were also 'copied' into RS2, and if you gained any levels in Classic from then onwards, it wouldn't transfer them over to RS2.

It's so weird to think that back then we had half the skills we have now, half the items we had, and less than half the world we currently have!
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My Runescape life began years and years ago, too long to remember. I was about 12 or so at the time and I didn't have any net, but when I visited my best friends house, I did. One day he showed me Runescape, and he actually came up with the name "Frosty" and it all began from there. He showed me how to play, what to do and how to do it, he was my guide for at least a year I would say, whenever I was over visiting him.

I generally played whenever I went to visit him, which was most weekends, and I was addicted. But then, my family and I moved, and far away too, more internet. If I ever got a chance to get on Runescape I would get on and do whatever I could to try make money, train my skills and talk to friends. I didn't play for approximately 4-5 years, only got to check my account on the rare occassion, surprisingly managing to remember my password and account name LOL. So, as you can imagine, I have been through several different friends lists, but I never have too many that I can't keep track, so it doesn't bother me.

But, finally, about a year and a half ago from today, we got internet connected, and first thing I do...why check my Runescape account of course. I played as Free-to-play for some time, about 9 months, and to my friends I was considered the "pro" of the group, I was flattered, but I just loved the game more really.

I met some really nice people and we always were on chatting and having a good time, comparing eachothers skills, challenging eachother and all. Then eventually, some of my friends got membership, and I didn't really have the money seeing as it was an important time for me in school, but my friend was kind enough to get me a month, as an extremely late birthday gift (what a sweetie) After that month of membership, and after my schooling was over and I was able to work, I got myself some membership and have been one since then.

I just love Runescape, it lets me get away from reality and I get a chance to do some of the things I love, listen to my favourite music while I talk to some really great people, while at the same time trying to reach certain goals and/or challenging myself. I always feel quite accomplished if I gain a certain level, or finish a certain quest. Some people may think it's nerdy, and it might be, but who cares when you're having fun?

And here I am now, in what is to be a damn good skilling clan, and I'm a member. Just another reason to keep on playing smile

Well, that's basically my Runescape origin, hope you enjoyed, if you bothered reading LOL Tongue
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[Image: 2a6jyb5.png]

I first began my RuneScape journey back in 2002, when my cousin and I stumbled upon the game somehow. We both created accounts and gave up after literally only 15 minutes or so of play. It was another 3 years later (2005), that I then found the link to RuneScape again on I figured it couldn't hurt to give the game another go, so off I went on my merry way again, creating another account. From this point onwards was when my interest in RuneScape really began.

It took me probably a good 6-12 months to actually fully grasp the concepts of the game (I managed to train one account to 19 Attack with all other combat stats at level 1 after not knowing how to switch combat styles.. LOL), but in early 2006 I purchased my first RuneScape membership and the rest is history.

Since then I've been through numerous accounts, and numerous breaks from the game, yet I still always find myself returning... I'm in it for the long haul this time around. If I ever decide to quit again, it will be for good. Ideally I'd like to go out with a bang by maxing out my overall eventually, but only time will tell I suppose. smile
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