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Runescape Name: Fraqile Bird
Real-life name/nickname: In the username amigos!
Age: 21
Country: Jolly old England.
Describe yourself in one word: Pass.

What made you start playing runescape: A friend showed me the game way bak in 2004, and I've recently come back after roughly 3 years hiatus. My curiosity for the EoC was the main reason I have come back.
Favorite Movie: There's too many! Let's narrow it down to 3.
Goodfellas, Good Will Hunting or anything from the Harry Potter series.
Occupation: Student!
Other language(s): ik spreek een beetje Nederlands!
Hobbies/talents: I have a huge interest in sports science and exercise physiology and general nerding about as well as being an avid music fan.
So if you have an interest in the above i'm sure we'll get along well, even if you don't we will!
Welcome to Surreal James smile
[Image: 7WiM6jg.png]
g & a p m p r o f i l e
s t a t s (Click to View)
Welcome to Surreal, James! smile
Thanks for the welcome guys! ^.^
Welcome to Surreal, James!

Let me know if you need anything. I hope you like Surreal! smile
[Image: 7cDz1.png]
[Image: 5FVMQQ3.png]
Hi james nice to meet you smile!
Hey there, welcome to the Surreal forums!
[Image: angusmotm.png]
Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny.
Hi there and welcome to Surreal smile

You'll find there's plenty of us Brits around the place here :p Hope you enjoy your time here with us.

Debs smile
TERRWYN: Welsh name meaning "brave fair one."

[Image: pbmJpDG.png][Image: e5juWGD.png]
[Image: 9mnl8B0.gif][Image: RnAibsa.png]
[Image: user1-dark.png]    
Skill pets since my return 4th September 2018
19th October - Bernie the Firemaking pet drop 
30th October - Brains the Farming pet drop
8th November - Malcolm the Invention pet drop
16th November - Shamini the Summoning pet drop
Welcome to surreal :3
Welcome to Surreal!
[Image: user1-light.png][Image: 2JSik6b.jpg]

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