Moti/Jason Introduction
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Runescape Name: Mohti

Real-life name/nickname: Jason
Age: 23
Country: United Kingdom
Describe yourself in one word: Chill

What made you start playing runescape:
I made my account about 5/6 years ago when a friend showed me the game. I played until about 1600 total then just quit for no real reason. Then I just kept ad's on twitch/youtube about Runescape like 5 weeks ago and I knew my friend still played so i logged on for a laugh and now I can't stop playing. 
Favorite Movie:
I don't watch movies just TV shows. Walking Dead/BB/Sopranos/Daredevil/Flash Etc.
I'm currently just working at asda, whilst re-taking my English GCSE (it's the only one i messed up at school) and then later next year i'll be joining the army. (Re-taking English to give me better possibilities once I join)
Other language(s):
I currently have a Season ticket for Manchester United in the Stretford End. Apart from that Runescape seems to have took up most of my social life at the moment.
No one can ever really quit scape, it drags ppl in again and again. Nice to meet you hope you stick around and like it here smile
[Image: sylvanas_wow_sig_by_katzenfan-d54n86z.png]
Welcome to Surreal smile

You must be really happy with Van Gaal...
Hello, Welcome to Surreal!

Another Brit Yahoo
Welcome to Surreal, Jason! smile
[Image: Xswanqueenx.png]

[Image: silentwolf251.png]
Hey Jason, welcome to Surreal! smile I'm happy you found us! Feel free to hang out in our clan chat. I hope you like what you see enough to submit an application to join Biggrin

If you have any questions or anything, don't hesitate to ask! I hope you enjoy yourself here smile
[Image: GpJL.png]

[Image: GVO3.png]
Welcome to Surreal, Jason smile
[Image: newcomer.png]
Goal Log (Current Goal: Port Skills + Hard Tasks)
Member of the Month (Click to View)
Hi Jason, welcome smile
Hey Jason, welcome. smile

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