Runescape Name: Elwood84
Real-life name/nickname: Adam
Age: 31
Country: Australia
Describe yourself in one word: Proactive
What made you start playing runescape: My partner (Flezizi) Introduced me to this wonderful game and I've been hooked on it since.
Favorite Movie: Das Boot
Occupation: Train Driver
Other language(s):
Hobbies/talents: Drums, cook and keeping fit
Real-life name/nickname: Adam
Age: 31
Country: Australia
Describe yourself in one word: Proactive
What made you start playing runescape: My partner (Flezizi) Introduced me to this wonderful game and I've been hooked on it since.
Favorite Movie: Das Boot
Occupation: Train Driver
Other language(s):
Hobbies/talents: Drums, cook and keeping fit