introduction Alianuub
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Runescape Name:                            Alianuub

Real-life name/nickname:                   Alain
Age:                                       49      
Country:                                   Belgium
Describe yourself in one word:             LuckyB

What made you start playing runescape:     A friend irl, somehow got addicted to this game. But real life comes 1st
Favorite Movie:                            Shawshank redemption
Occupation:                                Cook, now on social healthcare
Other language(s):                         French, dutch, notions of german and spanish
Hobbies/talents:                           Ping-Pong, chess, electo mechanics, arduino, sailing
welcome to surreal smile hope you enjoy your time here! Yahoo
Welcome to Surreal, Alain! Biggrin
[Image: 2015-11-motm.png]
Hey Alain smile Welcome! It's been a pleasure having you guest with us and I hope we get to look forward to your app! (@old_jon you're not the only old fart anymore! Tongue)

If you ever have any questions just let us know! I hope you continue to enjoy yourself with us Biggrin
[Image: GpJL.png]

[Image: GVO3.png]
Welcome to Surreal!! smile
[Image: SYRulGm.png]

2016 Surreal Awards
(2016-09-20 14:31:04)Linda Wrote:  Welcome to Surreal, Alain! Biggrin

tyty smile
(2016-09-20 19:51:28)Brandy Wrote:  Welcome!

ty ty smile
Welcome to Surreal!!

feel free to ask any questions u have!
(2016-09-20 20:08:49)PvE Sensei Wrote:  Welcome to Surreal!!

feel free to ask any questions u have!

tyty will do smile

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