[Answered] Advice needed
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So I need some help on the following skills:
  • Herblore
  • Crafting
  • Thieving
  • Farming

What is the best way to train them? I know Herblore is friggin' expensive so what's an economical way to train it?

Thanks Wink

Its quite cheap atm. Sara brews/mage pots are good for it.
Your thread has 'answered' in front of it. Is it so?

Craft: Gem cutting/blue bodys or slow and cheap: Gold rings/braces whatever

Thiev: PP

Farm: Herb runs with juju pots.
[Image: unled1bqq.png]
(2011-04-17 18:43:00)Dallarsaurus Wrote:  Paladin

So I need some help on the following skills:
  • Herblore
  • Crafting
  • Thieving
  • Farming

What is the best way to train them? I know Herblore is friggin' expensive so what's an economical way to train it?

Thanks Wink

herblore - pray pots have a nice gp/xp for slow xp
for a little more xp you can do super str

crafting - air battlestaffs are fast xp and if you have someone helping you buy the battlestaffs is better

thieving - PP or monkey knife fighters (these need quest but they are fast xp/hr)

farming - do lots of herb run (toadflax) and maples or willow (depends on your budget or the amount of herb runs done per day since they can pay for your seeds) and curry, at 72 start with calquats and harvest your own posion ivys to pay for calquat since each is 1k xp. any help at farm see my Guide

hope is answered your questions and good luck skilling smile
Smith has the right idea on all of the skills, but I'll provide a bit more in depth to each of them.

Herblore: In terms of gp/xp Prayer potions are currently -8.91 gp/xp making them very good for herblore. Super attacks are also very cheap for herblore experience. For extreme potions, Extreme attack is the cheapest at 15.54 gp/xp. Cleaning herbs is also a decent way to train herblore while making money, this being said the best herbs for making money are. Ranarr, at +10.53 gp/xp followed by Toadflax at +9.5 gp/xp.

Crafting: Crafting is a difficult thing to do in terms of gp/xp. Because most of the time items are so close together it's hard to decide what to use over the other. Sapphires are currently 4.7 gp/xp and are around 225k experience per hour. Emeralds are 8.8 gp/xp and around 300k experience per hour. Rubies are 13.2 gp/xp and about 360k experience per hour (around the same as black dhide bodies). Diamond is -20 gp/xp and provides around 480k xp/hr. Dragonstone is the most awkward of them all, sometimes you make profit, other times it can be -50gp/xp. Regardless, currently dragonstone is -3.8 gp/xp and gives around 600k experience per hour.

Blue dragonhide bodies are currently 270k experience per hour, at a cost of 6.89 gp/xp.

Black dragonhide bodies are 20.99 gp/xp and will give you around 360k experience per hour.

This being said I'd really suggest doing rubies for crafting as they are a lot cheaper than black dhide bodies and give about the same experience.

Thieving Doing Monkey Knife Fighters you can achieve 300k experience per hour in thieving. There's really nothing other than Pyramid Plunder at this point.

Farming: Livid farm is your friend my friend. Doing Livid farm for around 10 hours a day(providing you have time) can easily get you 500k farming experience a day with herb runs, allotments, tree runs, and fruit tree runs.

Magic trees are currently about 18.67 gp/xp loss when farming them. And Palm seeds are 9.85 gp/xp. Herbs will differ but toadflax is good for making money as it has a high gp/xp ratio.

I'm glad I could help out smile.
1/99 RuneCrafting
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