Member only hiscores
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This simply just another money making scheme from JaGeX.

I read their FAQ that they did about this on the RSOF.

Someone asked how their F2P friend could compete with them (as he was a member and apparently they had pretty close levels), and the J Mod doing the FAQ simply said "Your friend will have to subscribe to members to enjoy all the benefits you do".

Clearly shows how it's all about money now than the game experience and quality.

They're essentially ripping out a part of F2P that has been there since Highscores began.
[Image: UberSanta.png][Image: 42u3cez]
[Image: zamorak.png]

(2011-11-19 16:52:01)UberSanta Wrote:  

And why should they support the f2p game in the same way they support a members game?

F2P brings in little revenue from advertisements, while members brings in more than 60% of revenue. The less Jagex cares about f2p game the more money they can make. Now I know you might counter this arguement and say "It is all about the money." But as a gaming company who's intent is to make profit and create jobs for people to live by is and was it ever for the players?

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(2011-11-19 20:52:11)ReturnFate Wrote:  
(2011-11-19 16:52:01)UberSanta Wrote:  

And why should they support the f2p game in the same way they support a members game?

F2P brings in little revenue from advertisements, while members brings in more than 60% of revenue. The less Jagex cares about f2p game the more money they can make. Now I know you might counter this arguement and say "It is all about the money." But as a gaming company who's intent is to make profit and create jobs for people to live by is and was it ever for the players?

We all accept that which is why we are fine with them not giving F2P new stuff. But taking something away from them that they have had since it started is uncalled for. Also the less they care about F2P the less money they make in the long term due to small F2P playerbase which makes for small number of people that would get P2P. If they were actually thinking the best way for them to make money is to improve F2P to increase number of players and thus increase the pool of people that may buy P2P. Noone immediately buys P2P for runescape without playing on F2P first.
Master of All Wills and Quests
[Image: gohankuten.png][Image: GohanRAWR.gif]
Quote: (by Returnfate)

And why should they support the f2p game in the same way they support a members game?

F2P brings in little revenue from advertisements, while members brings in more than 60% of revenue. The less Jagex cares about f2p game the more money they can make. Now I know you might counter this arguement and say "It is all about the money." But as a gaming company who's intent is to make profit and create jobs for people to live by is and was it ever for the players?
Quote: (by Gohan)
We all accept that which is why we are fine with them not giving F2P new stuff. But taking something away from them that they have had since it started is uncalled for. Also the less they care about F2P the less money they make in the long term due to small F2P playerbase which makes for small number of people that would get P2P. If they were actually thinking the best way for them to make money is to improve F2P to increase number of players and thus increase the pool of people that may buy P2P. Noone immediately buys P2P for runescape without playing on F2P first.

Sigh. This is the EXACT bad mindset that some members have (first quote).

It's like Gohankuten says, taking away something from F2P that has been there since the feature in question began, is totally uncalled for.

And FYI Gohan (Tongue), I'be been a member since day 1, I've never been F2P myself, mainly because I wanted access to all the skills, but I still feel inclined to stick up for F2P players where RS is concerned because the free version hardly ever gets updated.

JaGeX stand by what they said - F2P is not a demo - but is this true? By removing something from F2P that they have always had access to is a step in the wrong direction.

[Image: UberSanta.png][Image: 42u3cez]
[Image: zamorak.png]

Not sure why you guys get so mad about this, you are p2p, you have access to highscores.
If Jagex looses f2p playerbase and makes less money bla bla bla, is it really your problem? Will it affect how you pay your rent? just let it go, if f2p want highscores so bad just subscribe.
[Image: teamsara.png]
[Image: benfas.png]
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(2011-11-20 00:07:36)BENFAS Wrote:  Not sure why you guys get so mad about this, you are p2p, you have access to highscores.
If Jagex looses f2p playerbase and makes less money bla bla bla, is it really your problem? Will it affect how you pay your rent? just let it go, if f2p want highscores so bad just subscribe.

Not really the point, any paying member that ends their subscription loses their place on the highscores and doesn't get reinstated until they start paying membership again meaning it really isn't a highscores anymore just a list of ppl that pay for membership.

(2011-11-20 00:50:39)Meg Wrote:  
(2011-11-20 00:07:36)BENFAS Wrote:  Not sure why you guys get so mad about this, you are p2p, you have access to highscores.
If Jagex looses f2p playerbase and makes less money bla bla bla, is it really your problem? Will it affect how you pay your rent? just let it go, if f2p want highscores so bad just subscribe.
Not really the point, any paying member that ends their subscription loses their place on the highscores and doesn't get reinstated until they start paying membership again meaning it really isn't a highscores anymore just a list of ppl that pay for membership.
That is far too extreme Meg, it would in no way be 'just a list of ppl that pay for membership'. However I do agree that I against this, but Jagex has made their decision and I think we should accept it. I think sometimes people are too quick to jump to conclusions like 'oh jagex are just being greedy'.
It has significantly downed my interest of ever wanting to get a 200M stat, but if I think about it logically it should not. If I get 200M I get my rank and I am happy, if I stop playing runescape (so stop paying for the game) then yes I will lose my rank, but I quit the game so I will not really care. If I join again, I get my rank back..and everything is good. smile
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(2011-11-20 00:07:36)BENFAS Wrote:  Not sure why you guys get so mad about this, you are p2p, you have access to highscores.
If Jagex looses f2p playerbase and makes less money bla bla bla, is it really your problem? Will it affect how you pay your rent? just let it go, if f2p want highscores so bad just subscribe.

The point we are making is that they've had access to highscores since they were created, and as the J Mod posted, if F2P want access to it now, they should subscribe, why does nobody except a few people clearly see this as scandalous and a massive market money-spinning ploy?

And yes, it is our problem, because they are ripping out an essential part of the game for people who either cannot afford to pay, don't want to pay, or simply don't want members.

We're all part of the worldwide RS Community, why does nobody except a few P2Per's care about F2P?
[Image: UberSanta.png][Image: 42u3cez]
[Image: zamorak.png]

That is not true at all, I care about F2P and so do many others, just read this thread.
Second of all, it is not a scandalous money-spinning ploy, it is a company doing their job. I agree that it is hard on F2P and I do not like it, but honestly when people are freaking out over updates like this it makes me feel more sympathetic to Jagex instead of angrier at them. It is not like there reason is completely made up and 0% true. They have a valid reason, it is likely not the only reason but sometimes you just have to deal with an update you do not like, when on the whole the company is doing a great job.
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"If everybody helps his neighbour then who needs help?"

Member of the Year - Member of the Month - TOTM Winner - Fight for Surreal's Top Skiller

Not a money spinning ploy?

I give up even trying to explain, my posts clearly haven't been read thoroughly enough.

But just for the sake of the argument, I've copied and pasted some extracts from RSOF FAQ.

Quote:Both F2P and members are adverse to this update. How did you come to the conclusion that we may like it?!

Removing bots from the hi-scores is very popular and the way that we are doing it is the most successful approach that there is.

So why tell us you take our opinions into account if you don't actually listen?

Quote:My friend is F2P, how am I supposed to compare our scores now?

If you really want to compete, you should have a level playing field; meaning that your friend should have as many skills to train and as many possibilities to get XP as you, therefore it is only a fair competition if he subscribes to RuneScape and gets the same opportunities that you enjoy.


So, F2P have had access this long and they decide to remove them now?

They also point out there that the persons friend should subscribe.

I just don't get why all of a sudden they are removing a feature that has been FREE since it#s INVENTION (we're talking over what...10 years?) and making it only available to people who play.

I get that they're a company and they obviously exist to make money, but good customer satisfaction has to be built into a successful company...and this is clearly not satisfactory to alot of Players.

They seem to be trying to make up the lost revenue from the P2P bots they banned.

Fair to take it out on legit players? No.

As a last thought...

How would you feel if Downfall turned around in 5 years and said "Right, we're removing posting rights for everyone who hasn't donated. From now on, if you want to post on our Forums, you must donate X amount per month."

This is effectively the same as removing'd be removing a feature and making people pay for it if they want it.
[Image: UberSanta.png][Image: 42u3cez]
[Image: zamorak.png]


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