Capes of Prestige
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I was just thinking as to what cape in Runescape I felt is the most prestigeous, and thought it would be a good source of discussion.

With the implimentation of the, "Master Capes of Accomplishment" or 120 capes, this has opened up a lot of new goals for players that may have been losing their motivation to play this game.

I'm not familiar with the current Completionist Cape(T) count, or how to go about finding such a thing. Naturally it is very easy to attribute this as being the most prestigeous cape, considering the comprehensive requriemnts and the devotion that is required to achieve some of them.

However I think there are a lot of 120 capes that are on par with the dedication required to acquire a trimmed comp cape. It's a different type of dedication; some people get a rise out of getting xp, and others for completing tasks.

Due to some of the history of Runescape and how mass ammounts of gold was obtained through activities such as dicing and various other gambling shenanigans, I don't really feel like I can put as much esteem in any buyable skill anymore, as there's no way you can really say if they obtained that revenue by legitimate means.

So, with all of this said, what do you feel are some of the most prestigeous capes in game? I personally would have to say it would be either Hunter, Thieving, or Slayer...
On a personal level I sadly don't really see a comp cape as a high achieved cape anymore. There are so many maxed / comped players in the game right now. I occasionally (once I lose my cape) go and work at getting it back. I'd never trim it as I'm not a fan of spending hours at castle wars for example. I'm too much into my skilling to spend time doing that.

Equally I don't see either 120 DG or 200 mil DG as an amazing achievement. Even if it is currently my only 200 mil stat, if you have a good team or regularly dg with friends it's a relatively easy accomplishment.

I was happy to get my 120 cape for cooking as i've worked on cooking for a while and I will finish off and get 200 mil one day.

My personal goals at the moment are working on 120 capes for firemaking and attack. Attack will certainly be my favourite, purely on the sentimental reason that it was my first ever 99 on RS.

Long term goals are also 120 capes for Agility and Slayer as both are skills which I really enjoy doing and see as more of an achievement than my dungeoneering.
TERRWYN: Welsh name meaning "brave fair one."

[Image: pbmJpDG.png][Image: e5juWGD.png]
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Skill pets since my return 4th September 2018
19th October - Bernie the Firemaking pet drop 
30th October - Brains the Farming pet drop
8th November - Malcolm the Invention pet drop
16th November - Shamini the Summoning pet drop
To me, the trimmed comp cape and 120 agility/divination/crafting are rare. I think construction and something else is also <150 people too.

One of my main goals after I max, and on my slow road to comp, is to get 120 divination. The cape looks amazing and I actually like Div too. It will take me 4-5 months maximum, but I know I can do it.

Regular comp capes are more and more common, I see several a day. Don't even let me get started on max capes. That doesn't matter to me though. I feel very accomplished in getting a maxcape in the coming months, and will feel even more accomplished once I get the comp cape. I'll never get a trimmed comp, mainly because of the castlewars/chompies among other things that don't interest me, but once I get 120 Div you won't see me wear anything else!
Cormag is a very calm and aloof man, although he can become furious at times. He compares himself to a wyvern in this aspect. He is a very skilled fighter, but dislikes war. He has great pride in his country of Grado, despite their many atrocities committed.

Find out about the number 46! Homeworld since 2009!

Click and Follow My Journey to -> Max Cape <-

[Image: 7WiM6jg.png]
(2014-06-25 00:12:10)Debs Wrote:  Equally I don't see either 120 DG or 200 mil DG as an amazing achievement. Even if it is currently my only 200 mil stat, if you have a good team or regularly dg with friends it's a relatively easy accomplishment.

Even solo.

I would say 120 Slayer seems like a huge achievement, but I haven't really slayed since before the EOC was released. So I am out-of-the-loop. It might not be so much work now.
[Image: Dreggstar.png]
"... is driving me mad. The images are broken. GOOD GOD FIX IT LOLOL "
Slayer still isn't an easy skill, but I think it is noticeably easier now. Of course bonus exp speeds things up a lot too.
Cormag is a very calm and aloof man, although he can become furious at times. He compares himself to a wyvern in this aspect. He is a very skilled fighter, but dislikes war. He has great pride in his country of Grado, despite their many atrocities committed.

Find out about the number 46! Homeworld since 2009!

Click and Follow My Journey to -> Max Cape <-

[Image: 7WiM6jg.png]
I honestly think everything about the game is subjective in terms of achievement. Like Debs, she's 200m DG and to her, yeah, that's nice, but not astounding by any means. Me, on the other hand, I'm slowly pushing away at that goal of 120 that seems so close yet so far. To me, that beautiful 120 Dunge cape is the most gorgeous thing in the world. It's all a matter of perspective.

People who are comped are maxed (not really those in this clan, mind you, but just as a general rule of thumb) will go around whining about how maxing is soooooo eassyyyy now and how you're a total noobcake until you're at least comped. Honestly, I see that as a bit inconsiderate and elitist. I won't disagree with the fact that xp rates have changed drastically, mtx and minigames have introduced ways to literally cut the time you need to spend training in half, but the point still stands that a lot of people aren't maxed or comped. And maybe they don't want to be.

Honestly, I value my Quest Cape over all 9 (yeah, still a noob) skillcapes because not only did I get all the skills required for said quests, but I went through nearly 200 different story lines and, you know what, I love quests like crazy nonetheless! That's why my Quest Cape is keepsaked. I don't care what people think about my 99's, or anything like that, because I -- at heart -- am a Lorehound and a lover of adventure and questing, which is perfectly displayed by that pretty white cape.

And at the end of it all, it just proves that prestige, accomplishment, and achievement are all relative in a game like RuneScape where you can choose whichever path you fancy. It's hard to say what the most prestigious cape in the cape is because, honestly, I don't see afking 4500 gold tickets in cw as an achievement. If anything, it's a little sad. But you know, that's just me! If the person sitting there for hours on end thinks that the gold trim at the end of the months of afking is worth it, then by all means, go for it.

And that's the true beauty of RS. It's what YOU make of it. <3
The max cape is all that really matters to me. Skiller for life.
608. Suity - 6/22/14 < the most recent trimmed player and amount with it 608

[Image: 9IUck.png]

As you can see over half the skills have less 120s than people have trim, so in my opinion 120s are much more respectable. Dg is just an embarrassment really, the amount of people with 120 is almost the same as people with 99 Div lol.

Too many people to count have completionist cape which devalues it as well. I think personally the rarer the cape the more prestige it should have, so in that case, 120 Agility, 120 Div, 120 Con and 120 Craft are the most respectable capes, although I do think the ones that take a really long time (Again Agility, Mining, Fishing, Farming (It's the highest exp/h but it's the lowest exp/day without wbs), Woodcutting and Div) are great as well. Also no one seems to really respect quest cape, but that's realistically the biggest part of completionist cape these days.

Edit: Currently I'm wearing 120 cooking because it goes the best with my purple afro Wink
[Image: angusmotm.png]
Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny.
(2014-06-25 02:55:21)Col ton Wrote:  I honestly think everything about the game is subjective in terms of achievement. Like Debs, she's 200m DG and to her, yeah, that's nice, but not astounding by any means. Me, on the other hand, I'm slowly pushing away at that goal of 120 that seems so close yet so far. To me, that beautiful 120 Dunge cape is the most gorgeous thing in the world. It's all a matter of perspective.

People who are comped are maxed (not really those in this clan, mind you, but just as a general rule of thumb) will go around whining about how maxing is soooooo eassyyyy now and how you're a total noobcake until you're at least comped. Honestly, I see that as a bit inconsiderate and elitist. I won't disagree with the fact that xp rates have changed drastically, mtx and minigames have introduced ways to literally cut the time you need to spend training in half, but the point still stands that a lot of people aren't maxed or comped. And maybe they don't want to be.

Honestly, I value my Quest Cape over all 9 (yeah, still a noob) skillcapes because not only did I get all the skills required for said quests, but I went through nearly 200 different story lines and, you know what, I love quests like crazy nonetheless! That's why my Quest Cape is keepsaked. I don't care what people think about my 99's, or anything like that, because I -- at heart -- am a Lorehound and a lover of adventure and questing, which is perfectly displayed by that pretty white cape.

And at the end of it all, it just proves that prestige, accomplishment, and achievement are all relative in a game like RuneScape where you can choose whichever path you fancy. It's hard to say what the most prestigious cape in the cape is because, honestly, I don't see afking 4500 gold tickets in cw as an achievement. If anything, it's a little sad. But you know, that's just me! If the person sitting there for hours on end thinks that the gold trim at the end of the months of afking is worth it, then by all means, go for it.

And that's the true beauty of RS. It's what YOU make of it. <3

I agree, and that is ultimately why I made this thread to gather other peoples opinions.

At the end of the day there is no clear cut answer as to what the cape that holds the most esteem is, it's all a matter of who is taking it into consideration. There are so many different factors taken into it, and specifically when it comes to skills some people just adore certain skills that some one else would rather kill with fire. So naturally, if you despise a skill you would hold a cape that embodies the fact that that person has gotten over 104m xp in that skill over one that you enjoyed. (Although you may be more jealous of one you enjoy. Wink)

There's also a definite distinction to be made between which cape you deem as the most prestigious, and which you like the most. For instance as I said I feel that 120 thieving, hunter, or slayer would be phenomenal capes of achievement. However, despite it being a "fairly common" thing as some people have stated, I would rather have a comp cape 1,000 times over one of those capes that I would hold to a higher esteem.

I want to be able to customize, and accessorize. King2
(2014-06-25 00:12:10)Debs Wrote:  I'd never trim it as I'm not a fan of spending hours at castle wars for example.

[Image: 7cDz1.png]
[Image: 5FVMQQ3.png]

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