Fight for Surreal's Top Skiller!
Thread Closed 

I just realized there will not be update this week due to the intensity of the PYP.
Sorry for an inconveniences. smile
[Image: 7gfS0.png]
[Image: W_aldo.png]

"If everybody helps his neighbour then who needs help?"

Member of the Year - Member of the Month - TOTM Winner - Fight for Surreal's Top Skiller

Thanks for telling us there will be an update this week.

Edit: Nice editing ur post.
1/99 RuneCrafting
[Image: Ez9Z]
[Image: F8Cs]
[Image: Gtmt]
We must strive to reach the simplicity that lies beyond sophistication.
[Image: SKPQd.gif]
Sorry the update is a few hours earlier than I usually would have done it, but I am tired/sore and going to a football game tonight so I know I wouldn't feel like doing it when I got back, and since I didn't do one last week I wanted to make sure it got done. smile

[Image: UAwB7.png]

1.) Random Dandy (@Random Dandy@) : 1,425M xp (+11.7M).

James had a great week with over 11M gained and took the cake for the biggest gainer this week. He focused on a few different skills this week, gaining 786K hunter xp, 2749K herblore xp, 3.3M summoning xp and over 4M firemaking xp! Last week he passed both the 70M firemaking xp and 40M herblore xp milestones, though there was no update. With no definite path of action ahead, unlike when he was getting 200M dungeoneering xp, it will be interesting what gains he gets next week.

Coming milestones: 25M Prayer xp, 25M Construction xp.

2.) Rinaldi (@Rinaldi@) : 819M xp (+0.5M).

A slower week for Dom who did not get much xp besides 462K in farming, however he did manage to pass the 90M experience milestone in that skill which is quite an accomplishment!

Coming milestones: 20M Fishing xp, 25M Agility xp.

3.) Portus (@Portus@) : 784M xp (+7.8M).

A slower week than usual for Justin, but still a very fast paced one nonetheless. He worked on several different skills this week, getting 1.1M herblore xp, 1.2M mining xp (end of PYP), 2.8M firemaking xp and 1.6M runecrafting xp! The herblore & firemaking gains were expected, but training runecrafting is a new direction for him. Is this possibly his new AFK skill to replace Ivy? That seems plausible to me. Still catching up to Rinaldi, it will not be long before he passes him.

Coming milestones: 20M Fishing xp.

4.) of NO0bs (@Meg@) : 633M xp (+0.9M).

A slower week for Meg, likely due to her starting at school now, which means she will probably not be gaining a lot of xp in the future. Her main gain was 710K cooking xp, which is the skill she has been working on the past few weeks.

Coming milestones: 30M Hitpoints xp.

5.) Jaybear (@Jay@) : 568M xp (+4.0M).

This was a good week for Jaybear who got over 4M experience and pulled a Kingduffy, training every single skill. His main gains were farming and construction, with 833K and 1.5M in those respective skills. Still working on maxing, hopefully we will see more good gains in the future!

Coming milestones: 20M cooking xp.

6.) Divine Nro (@Angus@) : 558M xp (+2.8M).

A decent week for for Angus who solely focused on his two remaining skills left to max out: hunter and agility. He gain around 1.7M hunter experience and just over 1M agility experience. I expect more xp from these 2 skills to come next week, with only 2 levels left to gain in each of them before he can don the max cape!

Coming milestones: 20M Defence xp.

7.) L Zephyr L (@l Zephyr l@) : 516M xp (+1.5M).

An okay week for Zephyr who got got around 1.5M experience gained in total, he focused just on dungeoneering this week. He got nearly 1.2M xp in that skill, with the rest of the experience coming from training that skill.

Coming milestones: 50M Hitpoints xp, 25M Magic xp 20M cooking xp.

8.) Walterc69 (@Walterc69@) : 401M xp (+2.0M).

Walter, who in the past has not really gained very much experience, decided it was time to pull out the big guns and hit 2M xp gained! He also gaining every skill with a bunch of little xp in all of them instead of in 1-2 skills, his highest gains were 202K agility xp and 137K smithing xp. With many members pressing up from the lower ranks, he will need to keep training more to stay on the list!

Coming milestones: 25M Ranged xp, 20M strength xp, 70M Attack xp.

9.) Dreggstar (@Dreggstar@) : 382M xp (+0.8M).

Dreggstar also got more experience than usual, though still not a very big gain. His biggest gains were 250K agility xp and 138K dungeoneering xp. When CJ is back he will be knocked down to the #10 spot, he will need to pick up the pace or get knocked off.

Coming milestones: 20M Ranged xp.

10.) Narccius (@Narccius@) : 376M xp (+1.4M).

An okay week for Stan with 1.4M experience gained, he followed suit from the members directly above him and trained a whole bunch of skills with no particularly big gains. His biggest ones were 308K mining xp and 260k agility xp. Next week he will be knocked off of the list, though he is close to Dreggstar and could push to get back on within a few weeks.

Coming milestones: 30M Hitpoints xp.

Outside of the Top 10

11.) @Lexy@ (Lexx): 374M XP (+9K)
12.) @Fear@ (Srl Fear): 352M XP (+6.4M)
13.) @Witch@ (Witchbound): 329M XP (+238K)
14.) @BENFAS@ (Benfas): 319M XP (+37K)
15.) @Tayze@ (Tayze): 305M XP (+5.6M)

The majority of those outside of the Top 10 have not gained much xp this week, both Benfas and Witchbound have taken a temporarily (or possibly permanent) break from Runescape. Lexx is still working on maxing but was probably very busy IRL this week. Fear still topped the outside top 10 list as per usual, even with being away the last few days. At his pace it should not long before he gets onto the list. Our newest addition to the list is Tay who gained a nice chunk of experience this week and pushed him ahead of competitors, though he will have to be careful, both Jovan and Dave are hot on his tail.

@Wicked Cj13@ will take the #2 spot next week when he becomes full member. He did not gain a ton of XP this week, though considering his gains were all in the agility skill (over 2M xp gained), he made a lot of progress.

Top 10 Totals

This week the Top 10 Gained; 33.4M Combined Experience. Which is an average of 3.3M Experience per person.

The previous time, the Top 10 Gained; 44.1M Combined Experience. Which is an average of 4.4M Experience per person.

Note: If you should be on this list, and are not, or have any other questions/concerns, please contact me in private message at @AlchemyHawk@.
[Image: 7gfS0.png]
[Image: W_aldo.png]

"If everybody helps his neighbour then who needs help?"

Member of the Year - Member of the Month - TOTM Winner - Fight for Surreal's Top Skiller

Tyvm for the update!
Thanks Micah smile
[Image: angusmotm.png]
Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny.
Only played for a few hrs on Thursday and didn't play Friday/Saturday, so not the worst gain I guess.

Thanks for the update, Micah. <3
[Image: d9XeE71336709893.gif]

[Image: SRL_Fear.png][Image: fear.png]

[Image: k2o37l.jpg]
(2012-07-22 05:29:23)Fear Wrote:  Only played for a few hrs on Thursday and didn't play Friday/Saturday, so not the worst gain I guess.

Just felt the need to re-mention that? Showoff. Tongue

Thanks a lot everyone!
[Image: 7gfS0.png]
[Image: W_aldo.png]

"If everybody helps his neighbour then who needs help?"

Member of the Year - Member of the Month - TOTM Winner - Fight for Surreal's Top Skiller

Great to see all you guys doing so well and still gaining EXP. Keep it up everyone smile

PS: Micah, I love you and all but geez change the font -__- had to ctrl and scroll to zoom in and read xD <33
Thanks Danny. Wub

LOL. :o I never found it hard to read. Are other people having trouble with the font?
[Image: 7gfS0.png]
[Image: W_aldo.png]

"If everybody helps his neighbour then who needs help?"

Member of the Year - Member of the Month - TOTM Winner - Fight for Surreal's Top Skiller

(2012-07-22 20:09:38)AlchemyHawk Wrote:  Thanks Danny. Wub

LOL. :o I never found it hard to read. Are other people having trouble with the font?

[Image: d9XeE71336709893.gif]

[Image: SRL_Fear.png][Image: fear.png]

[Image: k2o37l.jpg]

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