Favourite Skill(s)
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Seeing as there is a "Most useless skill" thread, why not make a thread outlining your favourites, and why? smile

I personally enjoy Slayer because it motivates me to train combat, and you can make some real good money. But lets be honest, Slayer is more combat than a skill, in my opinion anyway.

So, on that note, my favourite skills in this case would be smithing and crafting. I can't explain why, but those two skills just appeal to me LOL. I love the capes and emotes for one, and even though I'm well away from 99 in either of them, I will always love the two smile

So, how about all of you? What's your favourite skill(s) and why?
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Favourite skill by far would have to be thieving, but only plunder and I just love it, I love the feeling of opening up a chest and getting a sceptre, so far I've had 16 and each run for me is a challenge to get all urns emptied (room 7&8) before time is up Wub
It's actually pretty hard to choose, my favorites have also changed over time so let me start with earlier ones lol.

I started by loving Crafting back when I first got 99 in it because every million experience I gained I also gained tons of ranks, at one point over a year ago I was actually ranked 350 in craft with 17m experience but since have stopped training it and gone all the way up to rank 616 currently. The price of crafting has also tripled from those days so I don't love it anymore Tongue

As far as combat goes I always liked Defence just because so many people don't like it. So, I've trained up to 55m defence experience as of yet with plans to get 200m someday.

All of that defence was done with Slayer which brings me to my next favorite skill. I always enjoyed the way tasks work, I get to gain experience in at least 3 skills (slayer, defence and hp)and it gives a change of scenery every 150-230 kills instead of being like PC/SW were you do the same thing for weeks.

Lately I enjoy mining and agility, don't really know why but I want to get 99 in both of those sometime early next year so I'll probably start working on them a lot soon.

Who knows though, it'll probably change again in a couple months or a few weeks because my likes and dislikes as far as skills goes changes a lot Wink
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I quite enjoy Fishing&Farming while I'm working for school or on a website as it's easy to AFK it :p

A skill that needs attention and I also love is Slayer. But this is because with a higher slayer level also comes higher drops and more money :p
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My favorite non combat related skill would have to be Runecrafting, here's why. I like runecrafting because it is challenging, it requires skill to get a good level and dedication. I myself am a person of challenge, and runecrafting challenges most people.

As for combat related skill, I would have to go with Slayer. Mainly because you can train many other skills at once and it gives you decent drops. But again with the challenge part Tongue

My overall favorite skill (combat and skill related) would be Dungeoneering. Mainly because it is a skill where nothing gets done by afking, which provides again a challenge smile I also like dungeoneering because it incorporates every other skill into it in some way or another.
1/99 RuneCrafting
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[Image: F8Cs]
[Image: Gtmt]
We must strive to reach the simplicity that lies beyond sophistication.
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i must say i really enjoy Fishing just because its pretty much AFK and makes good cash and also love Slayer ( really was really into Slayer that much until few months ago )
Farming - I enjoy logging in knowing I got farm runs to do and after that I can do anything I want. I like focusing on one skill at a time and with farming I can concentrate on it but because of waiting times I can do a lot of other things.

Runecrafting - I find this an addicting skill... No particular reason why I like it but it was my main source to 99 magic and making money back then

Fletching - Easy skill and fast exp. I really enjoy doing it
I would have to say my Favourate non-combat skill would be Herblore.. Why you ask? Because it packs a challenge! and in that I mean you have to work other skills to get the money to train Herblore. By the time you have a high enough Herblore lever, you have pots that make it easier for you to travel to different places, perform differnt techniqes and different methods of training.

I would have to say my favourate Combat skill would be Slayer, and again I heard you say Why?.. Because Slayer packs a challenge! You need to focused! Have a keen eye for distractions! and overall the money that Slayer brings it! I also like the fact that I train 2 other skills at the same time as training slayer! so basically! your killing 3 birds with one stone!
I would say my #1 favourite skill is Slayer, due to the variation within the tasks and the many ways of training it, you train multiple skills at once and highly profitable.

Close second would be mining (hated it a few weeks ago) the LRC is amazing for afk exp. Biggrin
Since the release of the Living Rock Caverns, I'd be stupid not to say Mining - considering it was my first 99 skill on this account also. smile
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