(2013-10-12 00:13:02)Angus Wrote: Makes me feel like I shouldnt even bother playing until this update is released
I've stopped playing "properly" since it was announced (skipping warbands was painful!) and moved onto other things such as Vorago for GP (been losing a lot of GP so far though..) and finally playing Great Orb Project for Master RC Robes. I want to also try to do some barbarian assault to get some bonus agility experience stored because at the moment it looks like they don't intend on changing the way the stored bonus experience works and it would help a lot at the lower levels.
Little annoying that the last two years for me hasn't contributed to the main highscores, but I'm actually quite excited to see how this turns out. The last two years were fun regardless.
One thing that's interesting to me is that there's going to be an "achievement" for those who reset all their skill at the same time, then fully max them all out again.
I've generally preferred training all stats at a somewhat similar level rather than focusing on one so might end up going for this. I'm not sure yet, it makes sense to do this immediately if ever because it's only going to get harder as the experience required per level goes up and up every prestige.. But it would also be much slower overall than resetting certain skills individually.. Guess it depends on what the achievement is
There's a strawpoll going on the HLF and despite 90%+ of posters complaining about the update the results show an almost exactly 50:50 split. Considering that they're generally the players who feel the most screwed over by this update I'm guessing that the general reception of the prestige system is much more positive than it seems.
The idea of there being no concrete "end" (200M in all) is quite scary, that was always one of the things I always liked most about the game: it was a difficult yet achievable goal, even if I never really planned on reaching it. I think for me this might make the game less "stressful" in that there's no longer going to be so much of a sense of urgency. There's no amount of experience I "need" to get. I don't know whether this is a good thing or not though. Maybe the fun comes from seeing progress towards a final goal and having the drive created by this sense of urgency.
It's gunna be a lot of fun when it comes out, for sure! I do think it's a shame that the community is going to be split even further though (those who follow old highscores, those who follow the new ones). There's a diminishing level of players in the game and we already had the EoC/07scape split. I liked the game as one large community as opposed to several smaller ones.