Poll: How do you feel about this update?
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5 - Love it!
2 10.00%
4 - It's pretty good.
0 0%
3 - Not bad.
1 5.00%
2 - Could be better.
2 10.00%
1 - Not worth it.
1 5.00%
0 - Hate it.
12 60.00%
N/A - Doesn't really affect my gameplay.
2 10.00%
Total 20 vote(s) 100%
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Squeal of Fortune – Extra Spins
Thread Closed 

(2012-04-04 08:30:45)Gohankuten Wrote:  
(2012-04-04 07:01:06)Evaluate Wrote:  I've addressed your points to the best of my ability, but you seem to have already made up your mind that I don't give care about this update at all and that my argument has no basis against your opinion. I've yet to see you truly address what awful effect you seem to think this has on the game, besides people paying for faster experience. Sure, people will get faster experience and it causes an imbalance in the favor of the small percentage of people who are willing to pay thousands of real dollars for experience, but I really don't see how it hurts the game as a whole. As for them going further, perhaps I'm naive, but until I see them make another step towards major microtransactions, I see no terrible harm done as some players do.

So, if you care to elaborate how this hurts the game as a whole more entirely instead of your unconvincing argument (to me) thus far, then please do, otherwise I'll be chalking it up to we agree to disagree about this and leave it at that.

The problem is that if Jagex think we accept this they will implement more methods of RWTing. And that will eventually kill RS because lets face it there are far better games to play if the best way to play it is via RWT. Runescape is one of the few if any remaining games that doesn't have RWT and it's one of the bigger things that sets it apart from the rest. Your income irl has no effect on your game character so that everyone is on a level playing field. This coupled with being a browser game is what has kept Runescape alive and going. Not to mention that RWT would totally kill the ingame economy to where the only way to get anywhere would be to utilize RWT. It has happened with other games and will happen here. The only way the economy getting shot to hell wouldn't effect you is if you were a self sustained player which I admit more people are doing. There really is only negative things to come from RWT with no actual benefits so it's a poor choice to do anyway.

Quote:And that will eventually kill RS because lets face it there are far better games to play if the best way to play it is via RWT.

So you've already given up hope and have no grounds for an argument? You cannot determine over one update that was so minuscule in effect the outcome of the game.

In this age, with the real world economy at a rebounding point, there is no room to do the things of the past. Companies have to be smarter and more elaborate with what they do. Jagex has taken some big hits in the last few years, no doubt harming their profit. At the end of the day, this is not a game for Jagex, this is a lifestyle. If they don't make any money in a sole week their company is done. You have to consider the fact that it's just not you and the game, but real world people trying to make a living. More employees are being hired for games that are dead in the water for now (Stellardawn, Transformers Universe, FunOrb, Anything else I'm sure they're planning). If they're not profiting from any of their sites but two, I'm surprised this approach was not done sooner.

Speaking of the ingame economy, I believe you're just making a general approach towards the idea that the economy would go to hell ingame. However if you consider what might happen, it's actually not even that much worse than what we are at now.

Didn't you just get done telling me that Jagex has to be original? And can't follow what other's do? Maybe their version of RWT will differ from those of other games, maybe the same path won't be taken, and maybe the effect won't be the same. But you just told me that Jagex is different from other games, so I don't see how your contradiction plays in.

There are no benefits of Real World Trading. I'm shocked to hear this from anyone. What about those benefits of players who use it? They benefit greatly. What about the company who owns and operates it? They also benefit greatly.

Also, I'm against this update. But clearly the points that everyone hugs onto so tightly are not the ones needing focus on. We should instead focus on the fact that as this progresses, we've been lied to and cheated by the rules of the game we hold so dear. Jagex employees continually deny that this has any effect towards our well being as players, and frankly I'm more upset with this than anything else.

Also, please learn paragraph format.
1/99 RuneCrafting
[Image: Ez9Z]
[Image: F8Cs]
[Image: Gtmt]
We must strive to reach the simplicity that lies beyond sophistication.
[Image: SKPQd.gif]
(2012-04-04 12:10:12)ReturnFate Wrote:  
(2012-04-04 08:30:45)Gohankuten Wrote:  
(2012-04-04 07:01:06)Evaluate Wrote:  I've addressed your points to the best of my ability, but you seem to have already made up your mind that I don't give care about this update at all and that my argument has no basis against your opinion. I've yet to see you truly address what awful effect you seem to think this has on the game, besides people paying for faster experience. Sure, people will get faster experience and it causes an imbalance in the favor of the small percentage of people who are willing to pay thousands of real dollars for experience, but I really don't see how it hurts the game as a whole. As for them going further, perhaps I'm naive, but until I see them make another step towards major microtransactions, I see no terrible harm done as some players do.

So, if you care to elaborate how this hurts the game as a whole more entirely instead of your unconvincing argument (to me) thus far, then please do, otherwise I'll be chalking it up to we agree to disagree about this and leave it at that.

The problem is that if Jagex think we accept this they will implement more methods of RWTing. And that will eventually kill RS because lets face it there are far better games to play if the best way to play it is via RWT. Runescape is one of the few if any remaining games that doesn't have RWT and it's one of the bigger things that sets it apart from the rest. Your income irl has no effect on your game character so that everyone is on a level playing field. This coupled with being a browser game is what has kept Runescape alive and going. Not to mention that RWT would totally kill the ingame economy to where the only way to get anywhere would be to utilize RWT. It has happened with other games and will happen here. The only way the economy getting shot to hell wouldn't effect you is if you were a self sustained player which I admit more people are doing. There really is only negative things to come from RWT with no actual benefits so it's a poor choice to do anyway.

Quote:And that will eventually kill RS because lets face it there are far better games to play if the best way to play it is via RWT.

So you've already given up hope and have no grounds for an argument? You cannot determine over one update that was so minuscule in effect the outcome of the game.

In this age, with the real world economy at a rebounding point, there is no room to do the things of the past. Companies have to be smarter and more elaborate with what they do. Jagex has taken some big hits in the last few years, no doubt harming their profit. At the end of the day, this is not a game for Jagex, this is a lifestyle. If they don't make any money in a sole week their company is done. You have to consider the fact that it's just not you and the game, but real world people trying to make a living. More employees are being hired for games that are dead in the water for now (Stellardawn, Transformers Universe, FunOrb, Anything else I'm sure they're planning). If they're not profiting from any of their sites but two, I'm surprised this approach was not done sooner.

Speaking of the ingame economy, I believe you're just making a general approach towards the idea that the economy would go to hell ingame. However if you consider what might happen, it's actually not even that much worse than what we are at now.

Didn't you just get done telling me that Jagex has to be original? And can't follow what other's do? Maybe their version of RWT will differ from those of other games, maybe the same path won't be taken, and maybe the effect won't be the same. But you just told me that Jagex is different from other games, so I don't see how your contradiction plays in.

There are no benefits of Real World Trading. I'm shocked to hear this from anyone. What about those benefits of players who use it? They benefit greatly. What about the company who owns and operates it? They also benefit greatly.

Also, I'm against this update. But clearly the points that everyone hugs onto so tightly are not the ones needing focus on. We should instead focus on the fact that as this progresses, we've been lied to and cheated by the rules of the game we hold so dear. Jagex employees continually deny that this has any effect towards our well being as players, and frankly I'm more upset with this than anything else.

Also, please learn paragraph format.
This update opens the door for Jagex to usher in more RWT which is how I can draw the conclusion I made. And the hits Jagex took were all their fault in the first place by making mistakes with updates that pissed off and alienated portions of the memberbase. And I wasn't talking bout benefit to the players that use it I was talking bout benefits to the game overall. There is no true benefit to the game itself by adding in RWT because I will just make doing most stuff without RWT obsolete to where nobody does things without RWT and ruins what RS stands for. And I agree with you about what to focus on but we also have to point out why it is such a bad thing if we want others to understand.
Master of All Wills and Quests
[Image: gohankuten.png][Image: GohanRAWR.gif]
You guys complaining from jagex doing RWT. They are a company that need to make profit cause they are controlled by investors and they need to make money because we live in a capitalism world.
Jagex is against others people RWT because they dont profit from it, simple as that. Stop complaining since they won't change it.

@ Extra spinnings

I don't like the ones that you can buy but I like the ones from D&D, skilling, etc..
*snip large quote chain*

The fact still remains the we are discussing THIS update, not what Jagex could/might do in the future. There may be no true benefit to the overall game but there is no true negative brought to the game as a whole either. This update brings in only a minor harm in the form of people who want to spend exceptionally large sums on money on a game gaining a significant advantage. It won't make things obsolete to do, only less "efficient." The percentage of people who will spend enough to notice any decent sized benefit (several hundred to a couple thousand dollars) is minute, therefore the difference will go largely unnoticed.
[Image: evaluate-staff.png] 
Have a question? My PM is always ON.
(2012-04-04 18:14:58)Kniight Lost Wrote:  You guys complaining from jagex doing RWT. They are a company that need to make profit cause they are controlled by investors and they need to make money because we live in a capitalism world.
Jagex is against others people RWT because they dont profit from it, simple as that. Stop complaining since they won't change it.

@ Extra spinnings

I don't like the ones that you can buy but I like the ones from D&D, skilling, etc..

The problem is they stated explicitly in there own rules that they didn't want your wealth status IRL to give you an advantage in game. This totally contradicts their own rules and makes them major hypocrites.
Master of All Wills and Quests
[Image: gohankuten.png][Image: GohanRAWR.gif]
"We don’t want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn’t affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape."

I understand that this one update does not single-handedly ruin the game, and I understand that Jagex is a company and must make money. But first of all, the gambling/chance aspect is a pretty big deal. Some people will definitely go broke over lack of self control with this.

And most importantly, I am just not interested in playing a game that in my opinion keeps disrespecting its own original vision. The world of Gielinor always had some frivolity tastefully mixed with traditional fantasy RPG elements, but the trend in new updates has been toward oversexed female avatars, trees dripping blood, cartoony armor, silly goblins interrupting Agility and other silly bobble-headed goblins offering the squeal of fortune. An occasional goofy element like evil trees, penguins, and the circus are fine, but at this point I feel like Runescape lost its vision. So for me, this was a monumentally bad update, and was enough to get me to cancel membership. I hope those that stay continue to enjoy Runescape, it is in many ways the same game despite these changes.

If I don't see you in the future, I'll see you in the pasture.
[Image: Kivandien.png]
In the end guys it is a game. Simmer down; it's pure business, that's all there is to it.
You are no better than anyone else, and no one is better than you.
Saw this in the Tip.it version of this thread.

This person is starting to finish maxing using SoF spins. Already done 5 levels in slayer (to get 99) and 2.6m DG experience. The original poster says that the person uses $200 usd daily, which I guess is the max you can spend, on SoF spins. I don't know if they did 100% spins for all the experience they have gained but I would assume at least 90% of it is from that just because every skill minus summoning has gained at least 100k+


I guess one thing does bother me after seeing this...

Awhile ago, before mass amounts of people figured out ways to get millions of experience in a day I wanted to try and obtain for myself a global experience record. Seeing how much experience people can gain in a week off SoF really bothers me just for the simple fact that they will be possibly getting experience records from this. If they trained a skill all day getting massive experience than spent $200 on spins leaving them enough time in the 24hr window to complete the spins and open all the lamps they could possibly push the record far enough that the only way to beat it would be by getting luckier than they did on the SoF spins and of course also spending $200 in the process. That kind of ircks me more than anything else related to this update.
[Image: Vf5Ok.png]
[Image: k00kmf.png]
In all honesty.. If they need ways to make money they might aswell increase the price on membership, selling unique outfits and stuff like that.. I am pissed off because I trained my account 100% on my own, raising the funds needed and grinding for hours and hours for an achievement. The update does not devalue my pride in my account but I'm sad to see that others will be able to reach the same goals as me almost effortless.

(2012-04-06 10:01:25)Bug Wrote:  Saw this in the Tip.it version of this thread.

This person is starting to finish maxing using SoF spins. Already done 5 levels in slayer (to get 99) and 2.6m DG experience. The original poster says that the person uses $200 usd daily, which I guess is the max you can spend, on SoF spins. I don't know if they did 100% spins for all the experience they have gained but I would assume at least 90% of it is from that just because every skill minus summoning has gained at least 100k+


Starrychelx was a
before SoF came out, and he always will be one.

Highly doubt he will even max with SoF.
1/99 RuneCrafting
[Image: Ez9Z]
[Image: F8Cs]
[Image: Gtmt]
We must strive to reach the simplicity that lies beyond sophistication.
[Image: SKPQd.gif]

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