Player Owned Port Scores
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I thought I'd copy and idea I seen within the HLF's and get a fun competition happening between people's 'Port Scores'. Here's a Copy&Paste from rsn 'Godo' post. (Edited it a bit)
Just post your Port Score (Captain's Log > Port Statistics).

==Increasing Port Score==
(If wrong please correct)

-Every 5k Distance traveled +1 score
(You get another point at 10k, 15k, etc.)

-Adventurers met +50 score

-Story missions done +20 score

-Upgrading Port +10 score

-Upgrading Ship Part +5 score

-Scroll pieces found +3 score

==Notes ==
(If wrong please correct)

-Upgrading portal does not increase port score

-Barmaid gossip replaces the third voyage, but it gives you another reroll (so you don't actually miss out on a voyage)

-You can find the Captain's Log either in your bank, inventory or if you destroyed it speak to the navigator (or 'Reclaim log' via right mouse button) located in the northeast building.

-Player owned ports voyage configuration page -
(Make sure you read the 'help' first, since the details you enter aren't what you initially think.)

- To prevent removing special voyages, if you have a joint special voyage (2 adventurers available for it) and a single special voyage (Has an adventurer used in the joint voyage) then it's best to do single voyage first. The joint voyage will change into a single voyage with slightly lowered rewards.

- Despite what people say, saving for the ship upgrades when entering a new region (eg The Skull) may not be the best move, due to the fact getting a couple of crew within the new area will provide you with a higher chance of success whilst you save up for ship parts and allows you to level up the crew earlier. (This is just from my own personal opinion)

- Make sure to check what voyages you have available, buy ship parts and crew members that will allow you to get a higher success percentage in the majority of voyages available.

- The max level for crew is 10, their max level increases for every new area unlocked.

- I read someone state that the adventurers only have 5 storyline voyages for each of the 6 adventurers, which I'm assuming to be the case as well for the joint storylines.
(Taken from Jayc3399 on this page

- Entering new regions is based upon distance.

- Completing a storyline provides 25 resources dependent upon the adventurer's storyline you have completed.

- The maximum amount of effects for ships, crew rerolls, voyage rerolls and adventurer rerolls is 3 and maximum visiting captains rerolls is 2. So if you want to only obtain only one of them constantly, then stack up on the others and you'll only get the effect you want from random events.

- The maximum amount of ship traits is 4.

- If slot 3 for your voyages is empty, the barmaids thursday voyage will provide you with it in its slot and a reroll, providing an extra voyage for the day.

- If you have already sent off your adventurers for the day, you can use your adventurer reroll to gain another adventurer reroll, thus gaining another special voyage for the day too.

- You can teleport to POP with the captain's diary, via right-clicking it.

As usual feel free to reply if I've gotten any of the details incorrect, created any confusion in what I've stated or if you have any additional information.

Narccius - 1843
l_Zephyr_l - 1777
Exbajalator - 1678
Portus - 1570
The Bug - 1539
Zooperman - 1299
Raezdn - 1217
Linspire - 1203
of No0bs - 1089
Mr Muto- 897
DaveZZilla - 839
SRL_Downfall - 644
PneFC - 630
Lexx - 626
RickySwift - 589
Gohankuten - 578
Divine Nro - 577
Kniight Lost - 539
Evaluate - 436
Chris J Y - 348

Raezdn - 1,500,000
l_Zephyr_l - 1,500,000
Narccius - 1,500,000
Portus - 1,249,233
Exbajalator - 1,299,807
The Bug - 1002,446
Zooperman - 650,653
SRL_Downfall - 451,246
Linspire - 374,083
of No0bs - 341,930
Gohankuten - 214,768
Mr Muto- 169,340
DaveZZilla - 140,300
Chris J Y - 120,046
Evaluate - 89,795
PneFC - 47,867
Lexx - 35,615
[Image: Exbajalator.png][Image: Exbajalator.png]
[Image: 2q00m8h.jpg]
[Image: nMqpp.png]
=:-:=  Live Young, Have Fun And May Tomorrow Never Come =:-:=
My score so far is 512
Added, Kniight is currently leading XD

Edit: Also if a moderator wants, they can remove posts or make an indication on the posts that they've been updated and also update the list if they wish. Thanks!
[Image: Exbajalator.png][Image: Exbajalator.png]
[Image: 2q00m8h.jpg]
[Image: nMqpp.png]
=:-:=  Live Young, Have Fun And May Tomorrow Never Come =:-:=
[Image: 1BQeI]
Mmkay, up to 517 before the day starts, hopefully can start gaining on you 2 >.<
[Image: Exbajalator.png][Image: Exbajalator.png]
[Image: 2q00m8h.jpg]
[Image: nMqpp.png]
=:-:=  Live Young, Have Fun And May Tomorrow Never Come =:-:=
At 462

Doesn't help I keep failing missions even at 90%+, 90% being the lowest I've sent a ship out at. Failed 6 voyages so far. Sad
[Image: Vf5Ok.png]
[Image: k00kmf.png]
i can only meet one adventurer so mines terrible =(
[Image: ot3fNDv.png]
All good, not everyone in the clan is 90+ all. Even if you're not coming first, you can at least feel like you're potentially gaining on someone who happens to be within the same situation as you. I'm finding it interesting just to see my personal gains per day, maybe the way I play tomorrow will be a wiser set of actions and show a larger increase of points then I have today for example (Not a great example, due to factors such as no upgrades available or the fact new sections will require more traveling and thus points, but it's still interesting).

Either way it's all just for fun ^^
[Image: Exbajalator.png][Image: Exbajalator.png]
[Image: 2q00m8h.jpg]
[Image: nMqpp.png]
=:-:=  Live Young, Have Fun And May Tomorrow Never Come =:-:=
As soon as i get 1 90+ skill for ports i intend on posting my score, haha
Is the glass half empty or half full? Neither, the glass is twice as big as it needs to be.
[Image: EW4yt.gif]
Mine is 284...woo?
[Image: evaluate-staff.png] 
Have a question? My PM is always ON.

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